Blazor Components
- Data Grid
- Tab Control
- Modal Control
- Pager
Donwload BlazorComponents.ClassLibrary and reference to your project, in the file _Imports.razor add the following @using
- @using BlazorComponents.ClassLibrary.Components
- @using BlazorComponents.ClassLibrary.Components.Grid
- @using BlazorComponents.ClassLibrary.Components.Pager
- @using BlazorComponents.ClassLibrary.Components.Tab
<Grid Items ="@forecasts" PageSize="3" HasEdit="true" HasDelete="true" OnDeleteRecord="OnDeleteRecord" OnEditRecord="OnEditRecord">
<GridColumn TRowData="WeatherForecast" Expression="f => f.Date" Format="d"/>
<GridColumn TRowData="WeatherForecast" Expression="f => f.TemperatureC"/>
<GridColumn TRowData="WeatherForecast" Expression="f => f.TemperatureF"/>
<GridColumn TRowData="WeatherForecast" Expression="f => f.Summary"/>
private void OnDeleteRecord(object item)
private void OnEditRecord(object item)
In the @code add a modal object reference
<Modal @ref="@modal">
<p>Delete selected item ?</p>
<button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" type="button" @onclick="() => modal.Close()">YES</button>
<button class="btn btn-warning btn-sm" type="button" @onclick="() => modal.Close()">NO</button>
@code { private Modal modal { get; set; } }