Submariner's cloud-prepare is a Go library that provides API and capabilities for setting up cloud infrastructure in order to install Submariner.
The main API defines the capabilities for any Cloud
- Preparing the cloud for setting up Submariner.
- Cleaning up the cloud after Submariner has been uninstalled.
These capabilities aim to be idempotent, so in case of failure or other necessity they are safe to re-run.
The API defines a Reporter
type which has the capability to report on the latest operation performed in the cloud.
The PrepareForSubmarinerInput
function takes the number of gateways, the internal ports used for intra-cluster communication between
Submariner components, and the public ports used for inter-cluster communication between Submariner gateways.
input := api.PrepareForSubmarinerInput{
InternalPorts: []api.PortSpec{
{Port: vxlanPort, Protocol: "udp"},
{Port: metricsPort, Protocol: "tcp"},
PublicPorts: []api.PortSpec{
{Port: nattPort, Protocol: "udp"},
{Port: natDiscoveryPort, Protocol: "udp"},
Gateways: gateways,
err := cloud.PrepareForSubmariner(input, reporter)
The CleanupAfterSubmariner
function reverses all the preparation work previously done by the library.
err := cloud.CleanupAfterSubmariner(reporter)
In order to prepare an AWS instance, it needs to have OpenShift pre-installed and running.
// The gwDeployer deploys the gateway and is pluggable.
// This one deploys straight to K8s using MachineSet.
gwDeployer := cloudprepareaws.NewK8sMachinesetDeployer(k8sConfig)
// Create a new Cloud from an existing AWS session;
// infraID, region and gwInstanceType are necessary to properly deploy on AWS.
cloud := cloudprepareaws.NewCloud(
gwDeployer, ec2.New(awsSession), infraID, region, gwInstanceType)