Abandoned Carts Notification module for Magento
Everything you need to know can be found here: http://www.digital-pianism.com/en/magento-modules/abandoned-carts-notification.html
Thanks to gstrat88 for the bug fix
- Fix a bug where the translations need to be loaded: #26
Thanks to Septoctobre for all the bug reports and pull requests
- Fix a bug where the delay would not be taken into consideration when the cron ran: #17
- Fix a bug where the area would not be properly loaded: #8 and #7
- Fix a bug where the count of total would be wrong because of the quantity : #13
- Implement prices columns with currencies : #13
- Fix a bug where the sale abandoned carts report would display nothing when flat catalog is enabled : #15
- Fix a bug where an error would be triggered when filtering the grid by one date (from OR to) : #9
- Fix a bug where the count in the grid would be wrong: #11
- Fix a bug where the small image would not be picked: #3
- Fix a bug where the default email template would not be picked: #4
- Fix a bug where it was impossible to preview the email templates in the backend
- Fix a bug where the admin URL would be used when notifying from the backend
- Fix a bug where admin users store would not remain on a multistore install
- Fix a bug where the data script would never run
- Full refactor of the module
- Add two grids to the backend to see the abandoned carts
- Add a log database table to easily see what's going on
- Implement an autologin link system
- Implement Google Campaign tags
- Improve the templates to list all items
- Change the way dryrun and test email behaves
- Add notification flags columns to the native abandoned carts report
- Fix a bug where an error would be logged if the product image was missing
- Fix a bug where the product image would not be retrieved in the email.
- Fix a bug where the email would not be reflect the right store when sharing customers account globally.