Collect data from Loki and send them to a NocoDB endpoint.
Expects a config file under /opt/config.yaml
- endpoint: "https://your-metrics-endpoint"
type: metricCounts
metric1: '{app="myapp"} |= "some values"'
metric2: '{app="myapp",someLabel="some label value"}"'
- endpoint: "https://your-other-metrics-endpoint"
type: rowsFromLabels
query: '{app="myapp",} |= "some query" | pattern "<_> some event took place. somevalue=<aLabelIWantToExtract> anothervalue=<anotherLabelIWantToExtract>"'
aLabelIWantToExtract: columnNameInNocoDB
anotherLabelIWantToExtract: anotherColumnNameInNocoDB
timestampMapping: timestampColumnNameInNocoDB
The yaml file should contain a list of objects. Different types of endpoints are supported.
This uses LogQL metrics queries to extract one or more metrics which are mapped to NocoDB columns. It appends a single row to the table.
(required): the API endpoint for POSTing a single row to a NocoDB tabletype
(required): a map of column names in your NocoDB table to queries used to fetch metrics values to store in those columns
This uses LogQL log queries to extract rows which are mapped to NocoDB rows. It appends a row per log event.
(required): the bulk API endpoint for POSTing multiple rows to a NocoDB tabletype
(required): the query to load log eventslabelMapping
(required): a mapping of Loki labels on the log event to column names in your NocoDB tabletimestampMapping
(optional): if present, the timestamp of the log event will be written to the column named here