Versions of this library prior to 0.5.0 work incorrectly and should not be used, see #152
"Constraints liberate, liberties constrain." - RĂşnar Bjarnason
Provides extra functionality to
Currently, the following functionality is provided
Provides minimal, ready-to-use API to weaver-test
, that does not perform side effects
in order to compute the tests in a test suite (i.e. "register" a test).
Registration of a test to be ran by vanilla weaver-test
roughly takes the form:
def register(test: Test): Unit
If we instead assume that it's always the suite which assembles and returns the fs2.Stream
tests to be ran, our test suite becomes a referentially transparent expression, and we can reap the benefits of that.
One very practical benefit of that is principled resource sharing and suite setup / teardown, which in a referentially transparent world are simply achieved via Resource
/ Stream
and passing parameters to functions.
See also this article for a more verbose treatment of why purely functional testing is a good idea. (The above article is outdated as it uses an old version of this library which had an unnecessarily complicated API, but the principles still apply.)
Obtain the current version number by looking for the latest release of this library
Add the following dependency to your build
"io.github.dimitarg" %% "weaver-test-extra" % <latestVersion> % "test"
- (Not specific to this library, this is a WeaverTest requirement). If you haven't already, add the following to your project settings
testFrameworks += new TestFramework("weaver.framework.CatsEffect")
This section explains the library design, motivation and implications. If you instead prefer to get started coding, feel free to skip this and jump to usage examples.
A pure test, i.e. a test that does not perform IO
, is instantiated via:
def pureTest(name: String)(run: => Expectations)(implicit loc: SourceLocation): Test
, where Test
is defined as
final case class Test(name: String, run: Expectations)
A test that performs IO
is instantiated via
def test(name: String)(run: IO[Expectations])(implicit loc: SourceLocation): IO[Test]
Note the return type, IO[Test]
A test suite is a runnable collection of tests and has type
def suitesStream: Stream[IO, Test]
To construct a suite runnable by sbt
/ bsp
/ code
, extend weaver.pure.Suite
object ExampleSuite extends Suite {
override def suitesStream: Stream[IO, Test] = ???
Two convenience methods are provided to go from List[IO[Test]]
to Stream[IO, Test]
, running the tests in your suite either parallel, or sequentially.
def parSuite(tests: List[IO[Test]]): Stream[IO, Test] = Stream.evals(tests.parTraverse(identity))
def seqSuite(tests: List[IO[Test]]): Stream[IO, Test] = Stream.evals(tests.sequence)
All the above is to say, a test suite or its comprising tests can only perform IO
as part of their corresponding Stream[IO, *]
This is a deliberate design choice with positive and negative implications:
- Because
is only ever performed as part of the surrounding stream, it is safe to provide test fixtures and resources inside theStream
scope, for example
Stream.resource(makeTestContainers).flatMap { containersUp =>
Because suites have type
Stream[IO, Test]
, you can compose suites together, control parallelism, control test execution order, impose determinism of lack thereof, etc, via regular stream combinators, for exampleparJoin
etc. That is to say, suite-level control flow and parallelism is achieved via reguar programming and you don't have to mess with test DSLs, build tool flags and such. -
On the downside, the expression type
Stream[IO, Test]
and the fact thatTest
by itself cannot performIO
, means that there is no separation between "constructing a suite" and "running tests". Said another way, we cannot compute the collection of tests to be ran separately from actually running the tests. -
Specifically, this means that filtering of tests inside a test suite is not and cannot be supported in this library. While test filtering is unsupported, it's still possible to filter across
s, via the standardsbt
In essence, what we've done here is we obtained the ability to perform test resource management and test suite composition via standard fs2.Stream
means. In the process though, we have lost the ability to perform any static introspection of the test suite structure.
Both of these are due to admitting an extremely general type for test suite expressions: Stream[IO, Test]
Whether you should be using this library boils down to whether you find principled resource management and suite composition more valuable than static suite introspection and suite filtering.
Lastly, this minimal library is just one point in the solution space. You may decide to explore this solution space on your own, for example by using the core premise of the library (test suites are expressions), but ascribing a less general type to a suite, to better suit your needs.
Here is a simple suite. You create one by extending weaver.pure.Suite
package com.dimitarg.example
import java.time.Instant
import cats.effect.IO
import fs2.Stream
import weaver.pure._
object ExampleSuite extends Suite {
override def suitesStream: Stream[IO, Test] = Stream(
pureTest("a pure test") {
val x = 1
expect(x == 1)
pureTest("another pure test") {
val xs = List()
expect(xs == List())
) ++ Stream.eval(
test("an effectful test") {
for {
now <- IO(
_ <- IO(println(s"current time: $now"))
} yield expect(1 == 1)
I.e. like beforeAll
, but not hideous.
Since a suite (or sub-suite) of tests has type Stream[IO, Test]
, and sharing a resource is just passing a parameter, a suite that uses some suite-wide "resource" of type R
has type R => Stream[IO, Test]
package com.dimitarg.example
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import cats.effect.{IO, Resource}
import fs2.Stream
import weaver.pure._
object ExampleResSuite extends Suite {
// shared resource
final case class TextFile(lines: List[String])
// describe how to acquire shared resource
val sharedResource: Resource[IO, TextFile] = for {
ec <- Resource.make(
)( x =>
xs =
1024, closeAfterUse = true
lines <- Resource.eval(
} yield TextFile(lines)
// suite which uses shared resource
val suites: TextFile => Stream[IO, Test] = textFile => Stream(
pureTest("the file has one line") {
expect(textFile.lines.size == 1)
pureTest("the file has the expected content") {
expect(textFile.lines == List("Hello, there!"))
// construct `suitesStream` by acquiring resource and passing that to your `suite` via `flatMap`
override def suitesStream: Stream[IO, Test] =
Stream.resource(sharedResource).flatMap { res =>
No magic!
Imagine the following use case
- You have a module of database tests requiring, say
transactor: Transactor[IO]
- You have a module of http integration tests requiring, say
client: Client[IO]
- You have a module of end-to-end tests, requiring an access to a multitude of resources, say
final case class TestResources(transactor: Transactor[IO], client: Client[IO], config: Config, ....)
Furthermore, you want to initialise the resources common to multiple test modules (in this example Transactor[IO]
and Client[IO]
) only once.
A way to achieve this in this example is to
- Construct a value
dbTests: Transactor[IO] => Stream[IO, Test]
for the database tests - Construct a value
httpTests: Client[IO] => Stream[IO, Test]
for the http tests - Construct a value
e2eTests: TestResources => Stream[IO, Test]
for the end to end tests - Combine the resulting streams into a single stream with type
Stream[IO, Test]
, byflatMap
-ping over the shared resource, and providing the necessary resources to individual suites:
package com.dimitarg.example.sharedres
import cats.effect.{IO, Resource}
import fs2.Stream
import weaver.pure._
final case class FooResource()
final case class BarResource(value: Int)
final case class SharedResource(foo: FooResource, bar: BarResource)
object FooSuite {
val all: FooResource => Stream[IO, Test] = foo => Stream(
pureTest("the foo foos") {
expect(foo == FooResource())
object BarSuite {
val all: BarResource => Stream[IO, Test] = bar => Stream(
pureTest("a barsuite test") {
expect(bar.value == 42)
object ExampleSharedResSuite extends Suite {
val mkSharedResource: Resource[IO, SharedResource] = for {
_ <- Resource.eval(IO.pure(println("acquiring shared resource")))
res <- Resource.eval(IO.pure(
SharedResource(FooResource(), BarResource(42))
} yield res
val suiteUsingAllResources: SharedResource => Stream[IO, Test] = res => Stream(
pureTest("some test"){
expect( == 42)
override def suitesStream: Stream[IO, Test] =
Stream.resource(mkSharedResource).flatMap { r =>
suiteUsingAllResources(r) ++
FooSuite.all( ++
do not need to extend anything fromweaver-test
, they are just containers ofA => Stream[IO, Test]
values. This of course also means they would not be auto-discoverable or runnable on their own.
supports test tracing via natchez
. The example uses the honeycomb backend.
package com.dimitarg.example.traced
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import cats.~>
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.{IO, Temporal, Resource}
import fs2._
import natchez.{Trace, Span}
import natchez.Trace.kleisliInstance
import weaver.pure._
import weaver.pure.traced._
import natchez.EntryPoint
import com.dimitarg.example.util.IntegrationTestConfig
object ExampleTracedSuite extends Suite {
override def suitesStream: Stream[IO,Test] =
Stream.resource(makeEntryPoint.flatMap(_.root("ExampleTracedSuite"))).flatMap { implicit rootSpan =>
val service = SomeTracedService.apply[App]
tracedParSuite("Service tests")(serviceTests(service)) ++
tracedSeqSuite("Some other tests")(someOtherTests)
def serviceTests(service: SomeTracedService[App]): List[TracedTest] = List(
tracedTest(" test") { span =>
tracedTest(" test") { span =>
def someOtherTests: List[TracedTest] = List(
tracedTest("some other test 1") { _ =>
expect(1 === 1).pure[IO]
tracedTest("some other test 2") { span =>
span.put("" -> 42)
.as(expect(2 === 2))
private val makeEntryPoint: Resource[IO, EntryPoint[IO]] = for {
testConfig <- Resource.eval(IntegrationTestConfig.load)
result <- testConfig match {
case IntegrationTestConfig.CI(hcKey) =>
service = "weaver-test-extra-tests"
) { builder =>
IO.delay {
"service_name" -> "weaver-test-extra-tests",
case IntegrationTestConfig.NotCI =>
natchez.noop.NoopEntrypoint.apply[IO]().pure[Resource[IO, *]]
} yield result
type App[A] = ReaderT[IO, Span[IO], A]
def provideSpan(span: Span[IO]): App ~> IO = {
def provide[A](x: App[A]): IO[A] =
sealed trait SomeTracedService[F[_]] {
val foo: F[Unit]
val bar: F[Unit]
def translate[G[_]](fg: F ~> G): SomeTracedService[G] = {
val underlying = this
new SomeTracedService[G] {
override val foo: G[Unit] = fg(
override val bar: G[Unit] = fg(
object SomeTracedService {
def apply[F[_]: Trace: Temporal] = new SomeTracedService[F] {
override val foo: F[Unit] = Trace[F].span("") {
for {
_ <- Temporal[F].sleep(10.millis)
} yield ()
override val bar: F[Unit] = Trace[F].span("") {
for {
_ <- Temporal[F].sleep(50.millis)
} yield ()
Example trace generated by this test: