Dataset : The Movies Dataset
movies_metadata.csv : Contains Informations like genres, release year, release date, budget, revenue etc. for 45000+ movies
keywords.csv : Contains keywords of reviews given by users for all movies in the movies_metadata.csv file
credits.csv : Contains Cast and Crew Information for all movies in the movies_metadata.csv file
ratings_small.csv : Contains 100 ratings from 700 users on 9,000 movies
links_small.csv : Contains IMDB and TMDB IDs of all movies featured in the ratings_small.csv file (About 9000 movies).
Final Dataset Obtained After Data Cleaning, Data Wrangling and Merging credits.csv, links_small.csv, keywords.csv with movies_metadata.csv:
MoviesData.csv : Contains all information about 9081 movies.
The features of MoviesData.csv are as follows:
Correlation Between The Columns budget, profit, revenue, runtime, vote_count, vote_average, rating_count, mean_rating and release_year :
It is a type of recommendation system which works on the principle of popularity and or anything which is in trend. These systems check about the product or movie which are in trend or are most popular among the users and directly recommend those.
For example, if a product is often purchased by most people then the system will get to know that that product is most popular so for every new user who just signed it, the system will recommend that product to that user also and chances becomes high that the new user will also purchase that.