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Indoctrinatr is an Open Source Software project by dkd Internet Service GmbH, Frankfurt (Germany), which renders eRuby (more specifically: Erubis) enriched XeTeX templates to PDF documents.


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Indoctrinatr is an Open Source Software project by dkd Internet Service GmbH, Frankfurt (Germany), which renders eRuby (more specifically: Erubis) enriched XeTeX templates to PDF documents.


If you want to try out Indoctrinatr, please go to out Public Demo Installation.

Setup (development environment)

  1. Install XeTeX:

    Mac OS X: MacTeX

    Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install texlive-full

  2. Use Ruby (v2.0 or later):

    We recommend installation via Ruby Version Manager, rbenv or Brightbox Ruby NG.

  3. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  4. Run Bundler inside your local repository to install project dependencies:

    bundle install
  5. Setup database and import Indoctrinatr Achievement Template Pack®:

    rake db:setup
  6. Start application server:

    rails server
  7. Direct your preferred browser to


XeTeX Templates with ERB


Indoctrinatr allows you to define XeTeX templates mixed with template fields via ERB. User can then enter values for these template fields and Indoctrinatr will render the template together with these user supplied values. Just write your XeTeX template like you normally would, enter it into the web interface, define template fields as needed and insert them like <%= template_field_name %> into your template (also see Jason Shultz or Stack Overflow for ERB syntax). The name of the template field corresponds to the name of the variable you can access in your template.


% This is the official Indoctrinatr "Hello World Template".

         \section{Hello <%= variable1 -%>}
         The <%= variable1 -%> is <%= variable2 -%>!

This Hello World example has two template fields: variable1 and variable2. See below for their respective definition via Indoctrinatr Template Pack.

Typecasting (sort of)

Please note: The values of the template fields are LaTeX safe strings (Ruby class: LatexString) by default. If you want to process these values we suggest you convert them to native Ruby values like Integer(template_field_variable). This allows you to iterate over a user supplied value for example:

<% Integer(counter).times do |count| %>
  <%= count %>
<% end %>

Textile Support

If you want to convert (user supplied) values formatted in Textile to XeTeX wrap the variable name as follows (works best with the prefix raw_):

<%= textile2latex(raw_template_field_name) %>

Indoctrinatr Template Packs


Beside creating templates via web interface there is another way: Template Packs are zipped XeTeX templates with configuration and asset files (images, PDF documents and the like) which can be uploaded and imported into Indoctrinatr. They can be easily created with Indoctrinatr Tools (see below).

Configuration Syntax


The file configuration.yaml contains all relevant information (in YAML) about a Template Pack.

name validity description
template_name required Short name for your template.
output_file_name optional Allows to specify a custom file name. Evaluates Ruby expressions (including variables). Be careful to define this setting with single quotes: output_file_name: 'important_file_#{}_#{raw_template_field_name}.pdf'. Don't forget to end the value of output_file_name in .pdf. Defaults to template_name.pdf.
textual_description optional Allows to add a description about your template. Textile markup is available here.
fields optional List of template fields you want to use with your template. Empty list if not specified.

For each field you need to specify:

name validity description
name required Short name for this field.
label optional Label for input field. Defaults to value of name.
presentation required Choose from this list of valid presentation values (with respect to their respective HTML equivalent for this field): text, textarea, checkbox, radiobutton, dropdown, date, range
default_value optional Default value for this field, which will be used if no value is supplied by the user. Empty string if not specified.
available_options required (for presentation of checkbox, radiobutton or dropdown) List of selectable text options, entries separated by commata.
start_of_range required (for presentation of range) Value of lower bound for this range selector.
end_of_range required for (presentation of range) Value of upper bound for this range selector.
    template_name: Hello World Template
        name: variable1
        presentation: text
        default_value: World
        name: variable2
        presentation: dropdown
        default_value: not enough
        available_options: not enough, beautiful, your oyster, a template


Place your assets (e.g. images, PDF documents) into the assets folder. If you want to reference this folder inside your XeTeX template please use the variable template_asset_path like this: <%= template_asset_path %>. It will be resolve correctly on you machine locally as well as on the server.

RESTful API (sort of)

Indoctrinatr exposes one REST API endpoint. Send a HTTP POST request to /api/v1/templates/:id/generate to generate a PDF document with supplied values. Substitute :id with the Indoctrinatr Template ID you want to use. Note: You need to send two authentication keys as well: auth_key and secure_token. Both keys can be configured in config/secrets.yml. If you send an addition value debug with string value of true the API endpoint will return the ERB rendered XeTeX template.

Indoctrinatr Tools

Gem Version

Indoctrinatr Tools is a set of commandline tools to kick-start and develop Indoctrinatr Template Packs. Install via gem install indoctrinatr-tools. Note: You need to have XeTeX installed locally to use Indoctrinatr Tools if you are running Indoctrinatr on a different machine (e.g. server setup).

Run indoctrinatr help to see a list of available commands. indoctrinatr workflow describes the general approach to developing templates. Run indoctrinatr demo to see a minimalistic working project sample.

Protip: Use indoctrinatr bashcompletion or indoctrinatr zshcompletion to save precious time and energy.

Known issues

Foundation has a known issue (#5875) displaying the currently selected value of the slider.


What you think of Indoctrinatr? Drop us a line ([email protected]) and tell us how you use Indoctrinatr. You can also open a GitHub Issue if you experience any problems.


We are also looking forward to your GitHub Pull Requests.


Indoctrinatr is licensed under the terms and conditions of the MIT License.



  • Valeria Krasteva (design)
  • Wilfried Irßlinger (frontend development)
  • Nicolai Reuschling (backend development)
  • Søren Schaffstein (idea, product management)
  • Stefan Sprenger (development of an earlier version)


Indoctrinatr is an Open Source Software project by dkd Internet Service GmbH, Frankfurt (Germany), which renders eRuby (more specifically: Erubis) enriched XeTeX templates to PDF documents.








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No packages published

Contributors 4
