Releases: dme65/pySOT
Releases · dme65/pySOT
- Most of the pySOT codebase has been rewritten
- We support asynchronous function evaluations
- The strategy has been merged with the adaptive sampling
- The penalty method strategy has been removed, but may be added back later
- A CheckpointController has been added that enables resuming terminated runs
- Python 2 support has been dropped, we now support Python 3.4 and later
- Expected improvement (EI) and lower confidence bound (LCB) have been added
- Moved all of the official pySOT documentation over to Sphinx
- Five pySOT tutorials were added to the documentation
- The documentation is now hosted on Read the Docs (
- Removed pyKriging in order to remove the matplotlib and inspyred dependencies. A new Kriging module will be added in the next version.
- Added the MARS installation to the since it can now be installed via scikit-learn
- Updated the Sphinx documentation to include all of the source files
- The License, Changes, Contributors, and README files are not in .rst
- Renamed to
- Moved the kernels and tails to separate Python files
- Added a Gitter for pySOT
- Signficant changes in the RBFInterpolant. Users need to update their code
- Added RBF regression surfaces
- Added version information in the module. pySOT.version gives the version of the current pySOT installation
- The Gutmann strategy has been temporarily removed due to the RBF redesign, but will be added back soon
- Check out to see how to use the new RBF
First release
v0.1.25 Small changes + Travis-CI build test