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Valentin Kuznetsov edited this page Aug 7, 2018 · 14 revisions

WMArchive wiki pages

WMArchive is CMS data-service to store FrameWork JobReport (FWJR) documents. It provides a set of tools to store FWJR into short-term (MongoDB) and long-term (HDFS) storages, to convert FWJR from JSON to AVRO data-formats and end-user tools (myspark) to run a spark job to find FWJR on HDFS. Please use side bar to search for specific topic.

Managing the service

WMArchive has two nodes, vocms0181 (pre-production) and vocms0182 (production). To start, stop the service you need only two stpes:

# login to wma account
sudo -i -u wma /bin/bash
# service command (start|stop|status)
/data/ start

Web interface

WMArchvie web interface is accessible via /wmarchive/web/performance, while its APIs via /wmarchive/web/apis URLs.




Usage and Implementation:

Aggregation and Data:

Dashboard and Explantion:
