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CMS Rucio Consistency Tools

Tools description

XRootD Scanner

The XRootD Scanner is a tool designed to produce the list of files physically found in the RSE. The output of the Scanner is a partitioned list of LFNs for the files found under the set of site "root" directories, recursively. The Scanner configuration includes:

  • list of root directories for the site (typically the same for all sites)
  • specification of the conversion from physical path to LFN
  • for each root, list of subdirectories to ignore, i.e. not to scan and not to include their contents in the output LFN list

Database Replica Dump

Database Replica Dump is a tool to dump the list of replica LFNs, which are supposed to be present in the RSE according to the Rucio database. The tool is configured to limit results to given top directory in LFN space and optionally to remove some subdirectories from the output.

Configuration File

Currently the toolkit reads configuration in YAML format. Here is the configuration file sample:

database:           # optional. rucio.cfg can be used instead
        port:           10121
        schema:         CMS_RUCIO_INT
        user:           cms_rucio_int_r
        password:       "password"

  "*": # default
    partitions:     5
      include_sizes: yes
      recursion:      1
      nworkers:        8
      timeout:        300
      server_root: /store/
      remove_prefix: /
      add_prefix: /store/
      - path: express
            - path/relative/to/root
      - path: mc
      - path: data
      - path: generator
      - path: results
      - path: hidata
      - path: himc
      - path: relval
      path_root:   /
          - path/to/ignore_a
          - path/to/ignore_b
      include_sizes: no
      server_root: /eos/cms/tier0/store/
      server_root: /dcache/uscmsdisk/store/
      - path: express
            - path/relative/to/root
      - path: mc
      - path: data

The "database" section configures the database connection. This section is used only by the tool. The tool can also read the database connection configuration from rucio.cfg file, so the "database" section in the YAML configuration file is optional.

The "rses" section of the file is a dictionary indexed by the RSE name. It contains defaults section (RSE name "*") and RSE-specifc sections, one per RSE. Generally, the tools, when they are looking for a configuration parameter value, look it up by checking the RSE-specific portion first and then, if the option is not present there, looking into the defaults section. Therefore, the defaults and RSE-specific sections follow the same structure, but typically RSE-specific sections are much shorter and most of the configuration paraneters are specified in the defaults section.

Here is the structure of the configuration file for each RSE, including the defaults:

  • partitions: integer, default: 10 - number of partitions for file lists. Must be the same for scanner and DB dump.
  • scanner:
    • include_sizes: yes/no, default: yes
    • recursion: integer, default: 3 - the directory depth relative to the scanning root, where to start attempting recursive scanning
    • nworkers: integer, default: 10 - number of parallel scanners to run for the RSE
    • timeout: integer, default: 60 - timeout in seconds to receive scanning results for a single directory
    • server_root: string - top path for the RSE
    • remove_prefix: string - prefix to remove from physical path
    • add_prefix: string - add prefix to physical path after removing remove_prefix. remove_prefix and add_prefix are used to convert physical path to LFN.
    • roots: list - list of dictionaries, describing scanning roots. For each site the scanner recursively scans "root" directories one by one. For each root, the following parameters can be configured
      • path: string, required - top of the area to scan, relative to the server_root
      • ignore: list of strings - list of paths relative to the root not to scan and to exclude from scan results
  • dbdump: - database replicas dump configuration
    • path_root: string - top directory in LFN space to list. All LFNs found outside of path_root will be removed from the database dump
    • ignore: list of strings - list of paths, relative to path_root, to remove from the output.

Moving configuration into Rucio

Consistency Enformenet Procedures (CEP) will get their configuration from 2 sources in live Rucio instance:

  • Rucio Configuration - part of Rucio database, which mimics popular .ini configuratiin file format. This portion will be used to store common, RSE-independent configuration and RSE configuration defaults.
  • RSE attributes will be used to store RSE-specific parameters such as xrootd server address and server root path, list of roots to scan.

Configuration Conversion

  1. Have Rucio client configured and log in as Rucio root account
  2. Pull the code repository
$ git pull cms-consistency-new
$ cd cms-consistency-new
$ git checkout config_in_rucio
$ cd rucio-config
  1. Import existing configuration into Rucio
$ python config.yaml

This will create consistency_enforcement section in the Rucio configuration and 2 subsections: consistency_enforcement.scanner and consistency_enforcement.dbdump. If these sections existed before, all their contents will be removed and replaced with new values.

  1. View the results
$ rucio-admin config get
$ rucio-admin rse info <RSE name>

Running CC tools with old and new configuration

$ python -c config.yaml ...          # use the config file
$ python ...                         # use the configuration stored in Rucio

$ python -c config.yaml ...                 # use the config file
$ python ...                                # use the configuration stored in Rucio

Configuration structure

RSE defaults

RSE defaults are stored in the Rucio database, which mimics the .ini file structure, implemented by the standard Python library class ConfigParser. The configiration is organized into named sections and each section is a set of named attributes with their values. Rucio supports only scalar sctings as configuration parameter values. Integer values are represented as decimals and interpreted by the CC tools.

RSE defaults are organized into 3 sections:

Section consistency_enforcement

This section has only one parameter npartitions - the number of partitions to split file lists into. This parameter is used by both DB dump tool and the xrootd scanner.

Section consistency_enforcement.scanner

This section has parameters used only by the xrootd scanner:

recursion - integer
Directory depth level, relative to the root, at which to start attempting recursive scanning
nworkers - integer
The number of parallel scanners to run
timeout - integer
Time-out for scanning an individual directory. If the directory is scanned recursively and the scanning times-out, the scanner will attempt to scan it non-recursively and then scan recursively all its subdirectories
server_root, string
Path to the very top of the server namespace. Scan roots are specified relative to the server_root
remove_prefix, add_prexix - strings

These two parameters specify the path-to-LFN conversion procedure applied to each file path found by the scanner

  1. Remove the remove_prefix from physical path
  2. Add the add_prefix

Defaults are "/"

roots - string

JSON representation of the list of root configuration dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the following elements

  • path - required, path of the root, relative to the server_root
  • ignore - optional, list of subdirectory paths, relative to the root, to remove from the scanner output
Section consistency_enforcement.dbdump

This section has parameters used by the DB dump tool:

path_root - string
The top of the LFN namespace tree to dump. Default is "/"
ignore - string
Space-separated list of paths to ignore, relative to the path_root