Implementation of "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition", Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun in PyFunt (a simple Python + Numpy DL framework).
Also inspired by this implementation in Lua + Torch.
The network operates on minibatches of data that have shape (N, C, H, W) consisting of N images, each with height H and width W and with C input channels. It has, like in the reference paper, (6*n)+2 layers, composed as below:
(image_dim: 3, 32, 32; F=16)
(input_dim: N, *image_dim)
|conv[F, *image_dim]| (out_shape: N, 16, 32, 32)
|n * res_block[F, F, 3, 3]| (out_shape: N, 16, 32, 32)
|res_block[2*F, F, 3, 3] | (out_shape: N, 32, 16, 16)
|(n-1) * res_block[2*F, 2*F, 3, 3]| (out_shape: N, 32, 16, 16)
|res_block[4*F, 2*F, 3, 3]| (out_shape: N, 64, 8, 8)
|(n-1) * res_block[4*F, 4*F, 3, 3]| (out_shape: N, 64, 8, 8)
|pool[1, 8, 8]| (out_shape: N, 64, 1, 1)
|softmax| (out_shape: N, num_classes)
Every convolution layer has a pad=1 and stride=1, except for the dimension enhancning layers which has a stride of 2 to mantain the computational complexity. Optionally, there is the possibility of setting m affine layers immediatley before the softmax layer by setting the hidden_dims parameter, which should be a list of integers representing the numbe of neurons for each affine layer.
Each residual block is composed as below:
Downsampling 3x3 convolution+dimensionality reduction
| |
v v
Zero-padding 3x3 convolution
| |
`-----( Add )---'
After every layer, a batch normalization with momentum .1 is applied.
After you get Python, you can get pip and install all requirements by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to train the network on the CIFAR-10 dataset, simply run:
python --help
Otherwise, you have to get the right for MNIST or SFDDD datasets, they are respectively on the mnist and sfddd git branches:
- for MNIST:
- for SFDDD:
You can view all the experiments results in the ./docs directory. Main results are shown below:
best error: 9.59 % (accuracy: 0.9041) with a 20 layers residual network (n=3):
CIFAR-10 Results - iPython notebook
best error: 0.36 % (accuracy: 0.9964) with a 32 layers residual network (n=5):
MNIST Results - iPython notebook
best error: 0.25 % (accuracy: 0.9975 %) on a subset (1000 samples) of the train data (~21k images) with a 44 layers residual network (n=7), resizing the images to 64x48, randomly cropping 32x32 images for training and cropping a 32x32 image from the center of the original images for testing. Unfortunately I got more than 2% error on Kaggle's results (composed of ~80k images).