This repo packages the Syft scanner as a BuildKit SBOM generator to include scan results with the output of Docker builds.
The docker/buildkit-syft-scanner image implements the BuildKit SBOM scanner protocol defined here.
To scan an image during build with buildctl:
$ buildctl build ... \
--output type=image,name=<image>,push=true \
--opt attest:sbom=generator=docker/buildkit-syft-scanner
uses bake to build the project.
To setup a development environment by cloning the git repository:
$ git clone
$ cd buildkit-syft-scanner
It's recommended to setup an ephemeral local registry to push the development image to:
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --rm --name registry registry:2
To build the development image, and push it to localhost:5000/buildkit-syft-scanner:dev
$ make dev IMAGE=localhost:5000/buildkit-syft-scanner:dev
To test the development image:
$ make examples IMAGE=localhost:5000/buildkit-syft-scanner:dev
To scan an image during build with buildctl using the development image:
$ buildctl build ... \
--output type=image,name=<image>,push=true \
--opt attest:sbom=generator=localhost:5000/buildkit-syft-scanner:dev
Want to contribute? Awesome!
is mostly glue between BuildKit
and Syft, so contributions will mostly
likely belong in one of those projects. This project is intended to be as thin
a compatibility layer as possible, so we have a strong preference for as little
code here as possible.