Mirror Images version 3.0.0 release 2
Release Notes
This release of MirrorImages introduces RPM format installation packages.
MirrorImages 3.0.0 release 1 introduced support for both landscape and portrait mode images. Changes to packaging include the implementation of release creation during the Gitlab continuous integration process.
The MirrorImages project provides several Debian format installation packages that download image archives for use in conjunction with the MirrorCommand project. These packages all depend upon the prior installation of MirrorCommand version 3.0.1 or later.
To install:
Download the latest Debian or RPM format packages
If your system(s) have only landscape mode displays then only the landscape mode packages need be installed. Similarly, the portrait mode packages are intended for installation on systems with portrait mode displays. On systems with multiple displays including both landscape and portrait mode displays, both the landscape and portrait mode packages can be installed and will not conflict with each other. The TantraTutorial package is not display mode dependent and can be installed on systems with either display type.
Debian based Linux systems
Install the desired packages on Debian based systems by executing the command
sudo apt install ./<PackageName>_3.0.0-2.deb
Where <PackageName>
can be any of:
- ArtistsLandscape
- ArtistsPortrait
- ImagesLandscape
- ImagesPortrait
- JavLandscape
- JavPortrait
- ModelsLandscape
- ModelsPortrait
- PhotographersLandscape
- PhotographersPortrait
- TantraTutorial
Removal of the package on Debian based systems can be accomplished by issuing the command:
sudo apt remove <package-name>
Where <package-name>
can be any of:
- images-portrait
- images-landscape
- artists-portrait
- artists-landscape
- jav-portrait
- jav-landscape
- models-portrait
- models-landscape
- photographers-portrait
- photographers-landscape
- tantra-tutorial
RPM based Linux systems
Install the desired packages on RPM based systems by executing the command
sudo yum install ./<PackageName>_3.0.0-2.rpm
Where <PackageName>
can be any of:
- ArtistsLandscape
- ArtistsPortrait
- ImagesLandscape
- ImagesPortrait
- JavLandscape
- JavPortrait
- ModelsLandscape
- ModelsPortrait
- PhotographersLandscape
- PhotographersPortrait
- TantraTutorial
Removal of the package on RPM based systems can be accomplished by issuing the command:
sudo yum remove <package-name>
Artistic Note
Note: The Artists, Jav, Models, TantraTutorial, and Photographers image archives include images of artistic nudity. If you wish to avoid the display of artistic nudes, only install the ImagesPortrait or ImagesLandscape package.