Super lightweight and invisible addon.
Automagically deletes Soul Shards above the cap - when you exit combat (default 12).
This addon deletes backwards, so that your shards always fill your soulbag first.
Leveling with Improved Drain Soul is effective, but it can also be a hassle. Your bags fill up with shards! And lowbies don't have much bagspace to begin with.
At levels 10-20, I normally set it 5 because bags are small and soulbags come later.
- Unzip.
- Enter "ShardCap-main"-folder
- Move the "ShardCap" folder into the addons folder.
Show cap: /shardcap
Change cap: /shardcap NUMBER
Example: /shardcap 5
- /shardcap info
- Changed default to 12 (up from 5).