This repository contains some container data structure types for Fortran. It is currently in alpha stage, so use it for fun!
program demo
use hash_table_mod
type(hash_table_type) table
type(hash_table_iterator_type) iter
table = hash_table() ! Must call this initializer function to allocate internal data.
call table%insert('foo', 1)
call table%insert('bar', 4.2)
print *, table%size ! Should be 2.
iter = hash_table_iterator(table)
do while (.not. iter%ended())
select type (value => iter%value)
type is (integer)
print *, iter%key, value
type is (real)
print *, iter%key, value
end select
call iter%next()
end do
end program demo
foo 1
bar 4.19999981