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@donuts-are-good donuts-are-good released this 31 Mar 04:39
· 14 commits to master since this release

Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.1.1

This version release adds threaded discussions and sqlite db

 [RULES]                         [GOALS]
  - your words are your own       - a space for hackers & devs
  - your eyes are your own        - make cool things
  - no chat logs are kept         - collaborate & share
  - have fun :)                   - evolve

Say hello and press [enter] to chat
Type /help for more commands.

Welcome :) You are @5Lal1Ngl
> /list
1. [@5Lal1Ngl] hello world :)
2. [@5Lal1Ngl] this is a new discussion
3. [@5Lal1Ngl] I hope this works

> /replies 1
Replies to post 1 [@5Lal1Ngl]:
1. [@5Lal1Ngl] hope this works

> /reply 1 it appears it works :)
Reply successfully added to post.

> /help
Available commands:
/help   - show this help message
/pubkey - show your pubkey hash
/users  - list all connected users
/message <user hash> <body>     - send a direct message to a user

Message Board:
/post <message> - post a new discussion
/list   - list all discussions
/replies <post number>  - list all replies to a discussion
/reply <post number> <reply body>       - reply to a discussion