Frontend Assessment React SPA with Formula 1 racings seasons results.
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npm start
👤 Fedor Klochkov
- Github: @dopamine-s
- LinkedIn: @fedor-dopamine
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The goal of the project was to create a dashboard with Formula-1 seasons, rounds, and racers
- React, React-Router*
- JavaScript / TypeScript
- Styling via Styled Components or CSS Modules**
* It's possible to use custom setup or Create React App
** It's not allowed to use CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind
The purpose of this assessment is to check the familiarity with frontend technologies and methodologies, programming patterns, and thought processes
- Possibility to select a season;
- Clickable list of rounds per season;
- List of racers per selected round;
- Top 3 winners of the race are highlighted;
- You can add or remove racers to Favorites;
- Favorites list (racers should stay even after reload)
- List of races is accessible via its route;
- List of drivers is accessible via its route;
- Favorites list should be accessible via its route.
- Application should be responsive;
- Works offline;
- Has tests Unit and E2E tests (like Cypress)
Documentation is provided over there