Kotlin library to communicate with LinuxCNC using JNI.
Assuming you have linuxcnc installed
You need to define the paths first, in env variables or gradle.properties
for genereting the jar.
Env | Property | Description |
LINUXCNC_HOME | linuxcnc.home | The linuxcnc home folder |
LINUXCNC_JDK | linuxcnc.jdk | The jdk to be used for JNI |
Example using env(required for make
export LINUXCNC_HOME=/path/to/linuxcnc
export LINUXCNC_JDK=/path/to/jdk
cd ktlcnc/native
If you need to regenerate:
make clean
./gradlew :ktlcnc:build
The jar will be located in: