My personal Emacs configuration with contribution from friends.
Hopefully others might find this helpful. I don't believe in "starter-packs" such as oh-my-zsh, prelude or Spacemacs. I feel like the "one size fits all" approach leads to bloat and means that users are not familiar with either the tool or the options the package configured for them.
I mostly assembled bits and pieces over time as the need grew, but some sources served as inspiration and deserve explicit credit:
- Emacs 26.1 is required, older version will not work.
- For spell checking to work an ispell compatible program and dictionary need to be installed,
. - By default
is used to markdown export/preview so it needs to be installed.
Users wishing to customize their configurations can use these files in ~/
- loaded before any code is run but afteruse-package
is availableconfig.el
- loaded after configuration has finished
For example if one would like to change the theme and font they could do so by placing the following
in ~/
(setq my/theme 'doom-solarized-light
my/font-family "Consolas")
This directory can also be a git repository. For an example see