The source code and presentation for my IndySA talk on GPGPU programming.
- Cuda 5.5+
- CMake 2.8
- GCC or possibly Visual Studio (untested)
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
- Look in sub directories
Compilation tested on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Should run on any modern OS with GCC or a compiler that supports OpenMP. This means OSX users will most likely need to configure the use of GCC over LLVM with CMake. While I love LLVM, Apple really should have waited for it to have feature parity with GCC.
- warpdivergence: The warp divergence examples is supposed to show the performance hit from putting if statements inside a kernel. Obviously the numbers show the (hypothetically) divergent kernel to be MUCH faster. Figure out what the turning point is that would cause divergent branches to slow down.
- optcpugpu: Determine what performance changes occur if we switch from integers to floats to doubles