EdgeMiner - Distributed Process Mining at the Data Sources The implementation uses the Alpha Miner as extension for EdgeMiner.
Before starting EdgeMiner go to .env and change FILE_PATH to the path of an event log (.csv or .xes) where the case ID is named "case:concept:name", the activity is named "concept:name" and the timestamp is named "time:timestamp".
Next, change OUTPUTS_PATH to a path for your output-csv-files.
In the activity node's Dockerfile use
CMD ["python", "-u", "./improved_activity_node.py"]
if you want to use Most-Frequent-Predecessor Requesting, otherwise use
CMD ["python", "-u", "./activity_node.py"].
Also, if the unoptimized activity node is in use, uncomment the last rows in activity_node.py
Start docker deamon.
To build the docker images for the central node as well as for the activity nodes, run the
script. -
python3 main.py