- Introduce yourself and team and explain what you do at kCura
Show and explain the following:
- Load the html page
- Have them edit the h1 (i.e. insert their name)
- Udate img to pull from the internet
- Explain div
- Add first post
- Add another post
- Add an anchor with a link
- Add another post
- Add first post
- Add css link (#1 from copy-file) and load page (wow magic!)
- Explain ids and update padding of container
- Explain classes
- Add post styles - border - Padding - Margin
- Add script (#2 from copy-file)
- Create a post with a button
- Show pressButton() (already added)
- Have them write changeBackground() (#3 from copy-file)
- Have them write changePostBackground()
Leave time at the end for experimentation