A featureful calculator for when you want to do math in a terminal.
tcalc supports two modes of usage: terminal and REPL.
# Terminal
$ tcalc '2**8 - 1' 'ans >> 1' 'abs(-13.7)'
$ tcalc
> 2**8 - 1
> ans >> 1
> abs(-13.7)
> exit
- Install Rust
- Run
cargo install tcalc
from your terminal
Operator | Description |
( ) | parens |
- ! | negate, bitwise NOT |
** | exponentiation |
* / % | multiplication, division, modulo |
+ - | addition, subtraction |
++ -- | increment, decrement (suffix) |
<< >> | left shift, right shift |
& | bitwise AND |
^ | bitwise XOR |
| | bitwise OR |
= | variable assignment |
+= -= *= /= %= **= &= |= ^= <<= >>= | compound assignment |
func_name([arg, ...]) | function call |
Numeric Format | Description |
[0-9] | decimal literal |
[0-9].[0-9] | fractional decimal literal |
0b[0-1] | binary literal |
0o[0-7] | octal literal |
0d[0-9] | decimal literal |
0d[0-9].[0-9] | fractional decimal literal |
0x[0-9a-f] | hexadecimal literal |
Variable | Description |
e | Euler's number (e) |
phi | Golden ratio (φ) |
pi | Archimedes' constant (π) |
ans | Result of previous expression |
Function | Description |
abs(n) | Returns the absolute value of n |
ceil(n) | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to n |
floor(n) | Returns the largest integer less than or equal to n |
round(n) | Returns the nearest integer to n ; Round half-way cases away from 0.0 |
Command | Description |
exit | exit the REPL |
quit | alias for exit |