Unmaintained: I've now moved on to Linux Land, so this repo is not maintained now. In case you're interested I have all my Ubuntu dotfiles here.
Note: This repo only contains core code files and not the executables, which means you can't just git clone
it and expect things to work. I am planning to create a Setup that would allow you to install it.
A fork of the awesome Cmder project.
I was customizing it for myself, thought I'd just share it.
I use Autohotkey to pass the current explorer directory as a parameter. Without which it'll launch in the directory where "Cmder.bat" is placed.
I've added "msysgit", "gow", "putty", "vim" for myself. They are in the vendor folder. You can place other 3rd party stuff there too.
See the ".gitignore" file for the entire structure.
ConEmu - Version
Clink - Version 0.4
Modified: ConEmu settings: <config/ConEmu.xml>
- Tabs on top
- No transparency
- Runs in a single instance
- Xterm highlighting instead of Monokai
- Shows only active console icon in taskbar
- No new tab confirmation
- Removed the "-new_console:d:%USERPROFILE%" part to launch in any directory.
Modified: Initiation script <vendor/init.bat>
- The %PATH% directory.
Modified: Alias command <config/alias.bat>
- Run alias command without any parameters to list all aliases.
Modified: Alias list <config/aliases>
- Lots of git related aliases.
Added: msysgit, gow, putty.
Added: .bashrc for Bash.
Create a symlink in your %UserProfile% directory to this file and you are done. 'chdir' to your %UserProfile% and issue something like:
mklink .bashrc "%FolderWhereYouDownloadedCmderTo%\config.bashrc"
Clink and ConEmu-Maximus5 together offer a wide range of hotkeys.
Here are some of the most used ones:
: Hides the console. -
: List Clink Hotkeys -
: ConEmu Settings -
: Cycle through history -
: Close current tab -
: Close the current process of console -
: Scroll buffer by page -
: Scroll buffer by line -
: Cycle through tabs
Inno/NSIS Setup Script
- Add AHK Launcher to startup
- Pack only core files
- Download everything else
- ConEmu, Clink, Git, GnuTools etc.
Dotfiles from github
Better Git Commit aliases
Clink Lua:
- Git - (branch:dirttype)
Prompt modifications in .bashrc
Add Tools:
- Commandline Sysinternals Tools
- unalias
- Load last open tab -
Keyboard Text Selection