Windows Butler v1.8
An Autohotkey script to help you with common windows tasks.
It is a compilation of some scripts: WinHelper, Screener, Scriptlet Library.
Table of Contents
Usage Instructions
You'll need to have Autohotkey installed.
Just do it, if you already haven't, you'll be needing it for most of my stuff.
Once you have AHK installed, download the zip, extract the contents, and Run WinButler.ahk
Have fun!
List of Shortcuts
In windows explorer press these for the desired action
- Windows + J : Show/Hide hidden files and folders.
- Windows + Y : Show/Hide file extensions.
Screenshot capabilities
Grab screenshots with ease; press one of the shortcuts and a screenshot will be saved to your My Pictures folder. You can change the path if you want to.
- Printscreen : Save the screen but not the taskbar portion.
- Shift + Printscreen : Save the entire screen.
- Ctrl + Printscreen : Save a screenshot of the active window.
Alt + Ctrl + C : Launch Console in the current directory.
Launches to root "C:" if path cannot be grabbed.
Ctrl + Space : Launch Scriptlet Library
Take quick notes. Press Ctrl + Space again to save and exit.
Useful to save random chunks of code/text or whatever.
Scriptlets can then be executed, saved to file or copied to clipboard.
Alt + Ctrl + D : Select a phrase and then press to find words similar to it via OneLook Reverse Dictionary.
Alt + Ctrl + S : Save selected text
Select some text and press Alt+Ctrl+S, give a filename and it'll be saved to desktop.
When no extension is provided, the deafult i.e txt will be used.
Ctrl + Shift + S : Works in Sublime text, Press it to launch the currently open file.
PHP files are opened by the path from localhost.
Ctrl + Shift + Esc : Launch Task manager
Ever had that nagging "Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator" dialog?
Worry no more. This hotkey first removes any sort of restriction placed and then launches the task manager. Sweet!
Alt + Ctrl + R : Launch Registry Editor
Similar to task manager, any restriction on registry editor is removed.
Select a registry key like "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\open" and then Press the hotkey to directly jump to that Key. Sweet, ain't it?
Ctrl + V in a command prompt window
It is not possible to paste data directly to a command prompt window. Not anymore. :)
These hotkeys won't work by default for the simple reason that I do not know where you have your files stored. You'll have to tweak the script to provide paths to your help files.
- Ctrl + Shift + Q : Launch Python's help file.
- Ctrl + Shift + A : Launch Autohotkey's help file.
- Ctrl + Shift + Z : Launch Help Folder
- Disable CapsLock and Remap into something better (productive)
- Screenshots
- Imgur Uploader
- Hotkey to Upload
- Hide/Unhide Windows Media Player
- Global Ctrl + W
- Maps to Alt+F4
- But in some applications to Ctrl+W
Could be added later
- Quick Features
- Ask to run on startup.
- GetSelectedText()
- TrayMenu
- Turn Backup Buddy On/Off
- Settings GUI
- About Dialog
- Volume OSD
- Mute Status
- Add to Main Process ?
- AutoShutdown
- Inputbox
- Add to Main Process
- Settings GUI
- Hotkeys - Bindings, On/Off
- Folder Paths
- Backup Settings
- Session Store - like chrome extension
- A launcher for some tasks
- Radial Menu or Sublime like command pallette ?
- Select text and then play with it: Google, Wiki, WikiQuotes, OneLook.
- Detect whether the text is url, if so, open it.
- If the text is larger than 7 words show a save to file action rather than One Look.
- Add other scripts:
- Renamer
- Sorting Hat
Removed: Ctrl + N (New File) Hotkey. Useless.
Changed: Printscreen now captures the screen but avoids the sidebar. Use Shift+Printscreen to capture the entirety, and Ctrl+Printscreen to capture Active Windows.
Changed: Alt+Ctrl+C - Runs Console2 instead of CommandPrompt.
New Modules:
- AutoShutdown
- Volume OSD
Refactored into Modules:
- Run from Sublime
- Screennshot
- Registry
- Explorer
Added: RegJump - Jumps to a specified registry key
Modified: Ctrl+Shift+Z to open Help Folder instead of PHP.
Added: Alt+Ctrl+C to launch Console2
Added: Ctrl+W closes the Command Prompt.
Added: Ctrl+N to create a new file in folder.
Explicitly added Gdip.ahk incase it is not present in your standard library.
1.4 :
Added: Alt+Ctrl+D to reverse lookup words on OneLook.
Added: Some naive hotstrings. Like "i'm" gets converted to "I'm" and such.
Fixed: The Screenshot directory will be created if it doesn't already exist.
Added: For Markdown (.md) files in sublime. Send Alt+M Hotkey which builds the markdown file and opens in browser - I use the MarkdownEditing plugin.
1.3 : Added Run from Sublime
1.2 : Added Screenshot features
1.0 : Initial Release