Social website created with Angular 5, Angular-cli, MongoDB, Node.js, Express.js, Typescript, Bootstrap and
Email-verification system, backend server with node.js and front end with Angular 4 and Angular 4 Material, login access with JSON webToken, profile ... Development mode uses File system and production mode use Cloudinary. etc...
Install Node.js and MongoDb or use a Mongolab account. Install Nodemon and Angular-cli with npm -g command. Google Recaptcha and Email Verification is disabled to feel free testing the application. To make it working again : For recaptcha : enable var recaptcha in angular 4 environment file. For email verification, in your .env file put the EMAIL_VERIFICATION value to true. You have to create then a Gmail Api account. Create Gmail account in order to use nodemailer email verification module. Then go to this page to use the GMAIL API:
- Configure your GMAIL API
- NODEMAILER MAJ EPLANATION If you don't want to use GMAIL api fulfill your email and password in your .env file Then install all node modules
npm install -g nodemon angular-cli
npm install
- Please fulfill the information in the .env file. It contains all variables uses by node.js ( mongodb_uri, gmail, amazon etc...)
1 console :
npm run dev
2 console one for client and one for server.
npm run buildDev
npm run startNodemon
Your application is listening to localhost:4200
if you want push to Heroku : Add your environment var. Then :
npm run prod
Your application is listening to localhost:3000
End with an example of getting some data out of the system or using it for a little demo
Do more test
Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system
Anyone who wants to make some tests or adding more modules or fonctionality are welcome !
- Pierre-Philippe PREVOST - Initial work - Angular4 Social Project
Don't hesitate to contribute and pull request !
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Thanks to David Violante Github Page