Pithos is an S3-compatible object store leveraging cassandra to distribute contents horizontally.
Documentation site lives at http://pithos.io
In order to build and run Pithos you will need the following components:
- Working Java Runtime Environment version 7 or higher
- A Cassandra cluster in version 2 or higher
- Leiningen Clojure package builder
To build pithos run:
lein uberjar
you will get a standalone Java jar file in the target/
To run Pithos manually start it with
java -jar target/pithos-0.7.4-standalone.jar
To run pithos with an embedded cassandra daemon, first build the target with:
lein install
lein sub uberjar
You can then run the fully standalone artifact:
java -jar pithos-quickstart/target/pithos-quickstart-0.7.4-standalone.jar
Pithos will expect finding a valid configuration file under /etc/pithos/pithos.yaml
. You can specify a distinct config file using the -f
The following startup switches are available:
Switches Default Desc
-------- ------- ----
-h, --no-help, --help false Show Help
-f, --path Configuration file path
-q, --no-quiet, --quiet false Never output to stdout
-a, --action api-run Specify an action (api-run, install-schema)
Pithos includes a schema definition file in order to bootstrap your Cassandra cluster. To install the schema, run:
java -jar target/pithos-0.7.4-standalone.jar -a install-schema
Have a look at the minimal configuration file provided in
. If not running locally, remove the last lines, as
explained in the configuration file.
Create a bucket:
s3cmd -c doc/s3cmd.cfg mb S3://<bucket>
List your buckets:
s3cmd -c doc/s3cmd.cfg la