π Start building a Vue app with Apollo and GraphQL in 2 minutes!
This is a vue-cli 3.x plugin to add Apollo and GraphQL in your Vue project.
β Features:
- Automatically integrate vue-apollo into your Vue app
- Embed Apollo client config (upgradable)
- Websockets
- Client state with apollo-link-state
- Included optional Graphql API Server (upgradable):
- Dead simple GraphQL API sources generated into your project (with import/export support)
- Upgradable service running apollo-server
- Websocket subscriptions support
- Optional automatic mocking
- Optional Apollo Engine support
- GraphQL playground in the CLI UI
- Configuration screen in the CLI UI
- Included optional example component with:
- Watched query
- Mutation
- Realtime subscription using Websockets
- GraphQL validation using ESLint
- Getting started
- Injected Commands
- Configuration
- Env variables
- Injected webpack-chain Rules
- Running the GraphQL server in production
- Manual code changes
vue --version
If you don't have a project created with vue-cli 3.x yet:
vue create my-new-app
Navigate to the newly created project folder and add the cli plugin:
cd my-new-app
vue add apollo
βΉοΈ An example ApolloExample.vue
component alongside some GraphQL query files will be added into your sources if you chose to include the examples.
Start your app:
npm run serve
Updating vue-cli-plugin-apollo
will also update both Apollo Client and its configuration for you! π
Read the vue-apollo doc.
If you enabled the GraphQL API Server, open a new terminal and start it:
npm run apollo
You can edit the files generated in the ./apollo-server
contains the Schema written with the schema definition language.resolvers.js
declares the Apollo resolvers.context.js
allows injecting a context object into all the resolvers (third argument).mocks.js
defines the custom resolvers used for mocking (more info).directives.js
defines the custom schema directives (more info)).
The server will be automatically restarted when a change is detected.
To run the server only once, use this command:
npm run run-graphql-api
Updating vue-cli-plugin-apollo
will also update the GraphQL Server service π
vue-cli-service apollo:watch
Run the GraphQL API server with info from
and watch the files to restart itself automatically. -
vue-cli-service apollo:run
Run the GraphQL API server with info from
The GraphQL API Server can be configured via the pluginOptions
in vue.config.js
module.exports = {
// Other options...
pluginOptions: {
// Apollo-related options
apollo: {
// Enable automatic mocking
enableMocks: true,
// Enable Apollo Engine
enableEngine: true,
/* Other options (with default values) */
// Cross-Origin options
cors: '*',
// Requests timeout (ms)
timeout: 120000,
// Integrated apollo engine
integratedEngine: true,
// Base folder for the server source files
serverFolder: './apollo-server',
// Apollo server options (will be merged with the included default options)
serverOptions: {
// ...
You can use apollo-link-state for client-only local data with the clientState
option of createApolloClient
import { createApolloClient } from 'vue-cli-plugin-apollo/graphql-client'
const options = {
// ...
clientState: {
defaults: {
connected: false,
resolvers: {
Mutation: {
connectedSet: (root, { value }, { cache }) => {
const data = {
connected: value,
cache.writeData({ data })
const { apolloClient } = createApolloClient(options)
Then you need to use the @client
query isConnected {
connected @client
mutation setConnected ($value: Boolean!) {
connectedSet (value: $value) @client
By default, createApolloClient
will retrieve the Authorization
header value from localStorage
. You can override this behavior with the getAuth
const options = {
// ...
getAuth: (tokenName) => getUserToken(),
const { apolloClient } = createApolloClient(options)
If you use cookies, you can return undefined
Example apolloserver/context.js
that validates the token and set userId
on resolvers context:
import users from './connectors/users'
// Context passed to all resolvers (third argument)
// req => Query
// connection => Subscription
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
export default ({ req, connection }) => {
// If the websocket context was already resolved
if (connection && connection.context) return connection.context
let token
if (req) token = req.get('Authorization')
// Websocket
if (connection) token = connection.authorization
// User validation
let userId
if (token && users.validateToken(token)) {
userId = token.userId
return {
You can enable automatic mocking on the GraphQL API Server. It can be customized in the ./apollo-server/mocks.js
file generated in your project.
You can add custom GraphQL directives in the ./apollo-server/directives.js
file (documentation).
import { SchemaDirectiveVisitor } from 'graphql-tools'
class PrivateDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
// ...
export default {
// Now you can use '@private' in the schema
private: PrivateDirective
Apollo Engine is a commercial product from Apollo. It enables lots of additional features like monitoring, error reporting, caching and query persisting.
Create a key at https://engine.apollographql.com (it's free!).
If you need to add express middlewares into the GraphQL server, you can create a ./apollo-server/server.js
import path from 'path'
import express from 'express'
const distPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../dist')
export default app => {
The url to the graphql HTTP endpoint, default:
The url to the graphql Websockets endpoint for subscriptions, default:
Port of the GraphQL API Server, default:
API key for Apollo Engine
cross-env NODE_ENV=production yarn run apollo:run --mode production
If your project is meant to be used as a package installed from npm, you will need to move vue-cli-plugin-apollo
from the devDependencies
field to dependencies
in your package.json
In case the plugin isn't able to modify the file containing the root Vue instance:
Import the provider:
import { createProvider } from './vue-apollo'
Then in the root instance, set the provide
new Vue({
el: '#app',
// Add this line
provide: createProvider().provide(),