- 62ca1f3 Update job_nuget_github.yml
- 5f67b87 cleaned up codacy suggestion
- 26881bb Update job_nuget_ado.yml
- 4a2dc36 removing workflow for sonarcloud
- bc2b653 updated a cd reference to .net 6
- 7bd97a6 configuring windows only tests to only run on windows platforms
- dde15e5 commented out old code that is no longer valid
- 72e1271 fixed httpclient tests
- fed08e9 pipelines/workflows Updated for .net 6
- 6e20a99 commented out breaking changes, will need major rework
See More
- 5f18af8 coding around bitmap code that only works on windows
- 506aea7 upgraded target framework to .net 6 and updated nuget references
- 397ce56 Update ci.yml
- bd5841a Update owasp.yml
- ca3bb76 Update README.md
- dbebd8e Update tagbuild.ps1
- 526f0c5 Update job_nuget_github.yml
- db89395 Update cd.yml
- 991365c Update tagbuild.ps1
- f0bf810 Update sonarcloud.yml
- c97a1ef Update cd.yml
This list of changes was auto generated.