App to make our predictions for the Fifa World Cup Russia 2018.
Clone the project from: [email protected]:BuiltByBROS/react-native-penca.git
npm install
Download and install Xcode.
npm run ios
Download and install Android Studio. Make sure to select: Android SDK, Android SDK platform (API 27)
Add the following env variables to your bash profile:
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/{username}/Library/Android/sdk export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/Users/{username}/Library/Android/sdk
To run on android emulator device: open Android Studio, select "Open an existing Android Studio Project" and locate react-native-penca/android folder.
Next go to tools -> AVD Manager, create or select a virtual device and run it.
Once emulator is running you can type:
npm run android
Just plug in your phone and enable USB debugging.
Open Xcode, select the device, make sure to enter a developer team.
NOTE: To be able to run on devices, both computer and device must share the same network.