Standardised configurations for the CKEditor for use at EMBL-EBI websites.
Contained here is a version of CKEditor with our suggested plugins; reference with:
Here are some standard config options to set the spell checker, use the EBI styles, and point to assets located here: = 'ebi-theme';
config.extraPlugins = 'autosave,codesnippet,image2,balloonpanel,tableresize,openlink,quicktable,templates,pastefromword,liststyle';
config.contentsCss = ['', '', ''];
config.scayt_disableOptionsStorage = 'lang';
config.scayt_sLang = 'en_GB';
config.stylesCombo_stylesSet = 'ebi_styles:';
config.templates = 'ebi_templates';
config.templates_files = [ '' ];
config.templates_replaceContent = false;
config.codeSnippet_languages = ({
javascript: 'JavaScript',
php: 'PHP'
config.indentClasses = ['margin-left-medium','margin-left-large','margin-left-xlarge'];
config.pasteFromWordPromptCleanup = false;
config.disableNativeTableHandles = true;
config.image2_alignClasses = [ 'float-left', 'text-center', 'float-right' ];
config.linkJavaScriptLinksAllowed = true;
config.allowedContent = ({
$1: {
elements: CKEDITOR.dtd,
attributes: true,
styles: true,
classes: true
config.extraAllowedContent = 'div[data-icon],i[data-icon]';
config.disallowedContent = 'span{color}; *{margin*,font*,letter-spacing}; a{text-decoration,color}; sup; u';
A recommended layout good for general content editing:
['Image','Enhanced Image'],
I suggest using Browsersync: browser-sync start --server --index demo.html