Contains the code for the Java-based framework to create GLSP server components.
The GLSP server bundles are built with Java 17 or higher and maven.
Execute mvn clean verify -Pm2
(for maven) or mvn clean verify -Pp2
(for p2).
The nightly builds are available as maven repository or p2 update site.
- Snapshots:
- Releases/Release Candiates: (also mirrored to the maven central repository)
- Snapshots:
- Release Candidates:
- Releases:
All changes on the master branch are deployed automatically to the corresponding snapshot repositories.
: EMF-based implementation of graphical model that's used for client-server communication -
: Server-based layout using the Eclipse Layout Kernel framework (adapted from Eclipse Sprotty Server) -
: Generic base implementation for standalone GLSP servers (based on JSON-RPC) -
: Reusable implementations if an EMF-based source model is used -
: Extension of the base server implementation for communication over websockets -
: GLSP server for the Workflow Diagram example
The workflow diagram is a consistent example provided by all GLSP components. The example implements a simple flow chart diagram editor with different types of nodes and edges (see screenshot below). The example can be used to try out different GLSP features, as well as several available integrations with IDE platforms (Theia, VS Code, Eclipse, Standalone). As the example is fully open source, you can also use it as a blueprint for a custom implementation of a GLSP diagram editor. See our project website for an overview of the workflow example and all components implementing it.
To see the diagram in action, you need to choose and launch one diagram client, see here for an overview of available clients.
: Diagrams clients integrated into Theia.glsp-vscode-integration
: Diagram clients integrated into VS Code.glsp-eclipse-integration
: Diagram clients integrated into Eclipse IDE.
Please look at the workflow example guides in the repository linked above to get more information on building and running the respecitive GLSP clients.
In the root of this repository, run
mvn clean verify -Pm2 -Pfatjar
To run the Workflow Diagram example server within an IDE, run the main method of
as a Java Application, located in the module glsp-server/examples/org.eclipse.glsp.example.workflow.launch
In the folder examples/org.eclipse.glsp.example.workflow/target
, you should have a jar file org.eclipse.glsp.example.workflow-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT-glsp.jar
whereas X.X.X
is the current version.
To run the Workflow Diagram example server standalone JAR, run this command in your terminal:
cd examples/org.eclipse.glsp.example.workflow/target
java -jar org.eclipse.glsp.example.workflow-X.X.X-SNAPSHOT-glsp.jar
usage: java -jar org.eclipse.glsp.example.workflow-X.X.X-glsp.jar [-c <arg>] [-d <arg>]
[-f <arg>] [-h] [-j <arg>] [-l <arg>] [-p <arg>] [-w]
-c,--consoleLog <arg> Enable/Disable console logging. [default='true']
-d,--logDir <arg> Set the directory for log files (File logging has to be
-f,--fileLog <arg> Enable/Disable file logging. [default='false']
-h,--help Display usage information about GLSPServerLauncher
-j,--jettyLogLevel <arg> Set the log level for the Jetty websocket server.
-l,--logLevel <arg> Set the log level. [default='INFO']
-p,--port <arg> Set server port. [default='0']
-w,--websocket Use websocket launcher instead of default launcher.
Once the server is running, choose a diagram client integration (such as Eclipse Theia, VS Code, Eclipse, or Standalone) below.
In addition to this repository, the related source code can be found here:
For more information, please visit the Eclipse GLSP Umbrella repository and the Eclipse GLSP Website. If you have questions, please raise them in the discussions and have a look at our communication and support options.