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Regression from 3rd party deps. Test failures in CI (the "tox" workflow) due to Callback API v1 deprecation warnings, on Py 3.8-3.12 (Tox 4.23.2, Pytest 8.3.3). The tests pass on Py 3.7 (Tox 4.8.0, Pytest 7.4.4 ).. #193

Regression from 3rd party deps. Test failures in CI (the "tox" workflow) due to Callback API v1 deprecation warnings, on Py 3.8-3.12 (Tox 4.23.2, Pytest 8.3.3). The tests pass on Py 3.7 (Tox 4.8.0, Pytest 7.4.4 )..

Regression from 3rd party deps. Test failures in CI (the "tox" workflow) due to Callback API v1 deprecation warnings, on Py 3.8-3.12 (Tox 4.23.2, Pytest 8.3.3). The tests pass on Py 3.7 (Tox 4.8.0, Pytest 7.4.4 ).. #193

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub.
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support
# documentation.
name: Label issues
- reopened
- opened
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 5
issues: write
- name: Label issues
uses: andymckay/labeler@5c59dabdfd4dd5bd9c6e6d255b01b9d764af4414
add-labels: "Status: Available"
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}