This project is a handler for C++ SQLite3 API. It is intended to create a simple way to interact with database. All the commits behind its implementation are here:
Linux based compilation:
To compile the project install Conan C++ Package manager and install sqlite3 using conan in your system, you can find it in conan center, then just run:
foo@bar :~$ mkdir build && cd build
foo@bar :~$ conan install ..
foo@bar :~$ cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
foo@bar :~$ cmake --build .
Handle.h and TacoLite.h are the celebrities here.
Once TacoLite is installed in your project by using conan, you can interact with sqlite in a easy way.
#include "TacoLite.h"
Now, be careful and try to using try and catch when using TacoLite.
Connection connection = Connection::Memory();
// Creating connection and statement handler and doing the query at the same time
// preparing the query inside the Statement constructor by calling no member function
// Execute in TacoLite.h
Execute(connection, "create table Users (Name)");
Execute(connection, "insert into Users values (?)", "Eduardo");
Execute(connection, "insert into Users values (?)", "Ana Belen");
Execute(connection, "insert into Users values (?)", "Juanisimo");
// to take all users getting by the iteration over the query
auto Users = std::vector<std::string>();
// getting the elements returned by the query
for(Row row : Statement(connection, "select Name from Users"))
// GetString has a default parameter 0, but you can write it instead
// showing all the users inside the vector
for(auto & user : Users)
std::cout << "User: " << user << "\n";
try {
// creating a database entirely in memory
Connection connection = Connection::Memory();
//or if you're using it to store wide characters
Connection connection = Connection::WideMemory();
/// instead of in memory
// creating 2 physical databases, empties
Connection utf8("/home/cheetos/Developer/CProgramming/Cpp-AdvancedTopics/SQLiteInteraction/utf8database.db");
Connection utf16("/home/cheetos/Developer/CProgramming/Cpp-AdvancedTopics/SQLiteInteraction/utf16database.db");
// statement handler
Statement statement;
// in case not a utf8 encoding, statements first convert any encoding type
// into utf8
// preparing the query
statement.Prepare(connection, "select ?1 union all select "
"?2 union all select ?3 union all select ?4 union all select ?5"
"union all select ?6");
// BINDING regular encodings
std::vector<std::string> data{"Hello", " ", "SQLite3 and C++"};
// if bindingAll is called and Bind too then BindAll should be called first
// automatic binding
statement.BindAll("hello", std::string("Your"), std::string("Name"));
// common bindings
statement.Bind(4, data[0]);
// binding a r-value is possible
statement.Bind(5, std::string("everybody over"));
statement.Bind(6, data[2]);
Connection connection = Connection::Memory();
Statement statement;
statement.Prepare(connection, "select ?1 union all select "
"?2 union all select ?3 union all select ?4 union all select ?5"
"union all select ?6", "Eduardo", 24, 16190278, "single", 70, "programmer");
// Creating statement handler and doing the query at the same time
// preparing the query inside the Statement constructor
Statement statement(connection, "select ?1 union all select "
"?2 union all select ?3 union all select ?4 union all select ?5"
"union all select ?6", "Eduardo", 24, 16190278, "single", 70, "programmer");
// calling the Row iterator classes
for(Row const & row : statement)
// simple loop for reading rows
// using the reader
std::cout << row.GetString(0) << "\n";
Connection connection = Connection::Memory();
// creating a profile and passing it a callback
connection.Profile([](void *, char const * const statement,
unsigned long long const time){
// 6 zeros: nano seconds in milliseconds
unsigned long long const ms = time / 1000000;
if(ms > 10)
std::cout << "Profiler: " << ms << statement << "\n";
// creating a database entirely in memory
Connection connection = Connection::Memory();
Execute(connection, "create table Users (Id primary key, Name)");
Execute(connection, "insert into Users (Id, Name) values (?, ?)", 1, "Eduardo");
Execute(connection, "insert into Users (Id, Name) values (?, ?)", 2, "Ana Belen");
Execute(connection, "insert into Users (Id, Name) values (?, ?)", 3, "Juanisimo");
Execute(connection, "insert into Users (Id, Name) values (?, ?)", 4, "Angelo");
for (Row row : Statement(connection, "select Id, Name from Users"))
std::cout << row.GetInt(0) << ", " << row.GetString(1) << "\n";
// traditional database file
Connection connection("/home/cheetos/Developer/CProgramming/TacoLite/test.db");
// creating table
// taking RowId autogenerated by sqlite as Id
Execute(connection, "create table Users (Name text, Age integer, Weight real)");
Statement insert(connection, "insert into Users (Name, Age, Weight) values (?1, ?2, ?3)");
// inserting data
// avoid flushing in memory cause slow transactions
Execute(connection, "begin");
// transctions can be accomplished by reseting the insert object
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
// reset the sqlite state machine and BindAll at the same time
insert.Reset("Eduardo", i, 70.43);
// Execute method calls the step -> initialize the transaction
std::cout << "Inserted item: " << connection.RowId() << "\n";
// end transaction, all changes after this will be discarted
Execute(connection, "commit");
// counting the nummber of rows
Statement count(connection, "select count(*) from Users");
//executing the statement
std::cout << "Rows: " << count.GetInt() << std::endl;