- one macro to create issue lists
- with existing issue queries
- with parameters (without issue queries)
This is a fork of redmine_wiki_lists, which reduce functionality to just one macro - ref_issues
- Redmine
>= 4.1.0
- Ruby
>= 2.6
Clone this repository into
.cd redmine git clone https://github.com/alphanodes/redmine_ref_issues.git plugins/redmine_ref_issues bundle install
Restart your Redmine application server.
{{ref_issues([option].., [column]..)}}
select issues that contain WORDs in subject.
select issues that contain WORDs in description.
select issues that contain WORDs in subject or description.
Specify the project by identifire.
Use custom query by id.
Use custom query by query name.
Do not display the table If query result is 0.
filter. Attributes are shown below.
e.x. {{ref_issues(-f:tracker_id = 3)}}
treated, author
=:is, !:is not, o:open, c:closed, !*:none,
*:any, >=:>=, <=:<=, ><:between, >t+:in more than,
>w:this week, lw:last week, l2w:last 2 weeks, m:this month, lm:last month,
y:this year, >t-:less than days ago, ~:contains, !~:doesn't contain,
=p:any issues in project, =!p:any issues not in project, !p:no issues in project,
You can specify two or more select option, it affect AND condition.
If you use this macro in a Issue, you can use the field value of the issue as VALUE by writing to the following field(column) name in the [] (brackets).
> Besides [<column>], You can use [id], [current_project_id], [current_user], [current_user_id], [<number> days_ago] .
Put linked text.
Put markup text.
Sum of specified column for issues.
number of issues.
You can choose columns that you want to display. If you do not specify the columns, same columns with customquery are displayed.
- project
- tracker
- parent
- status
- priority
- subject
- author
- assigned_to
- updated_on
- category
- fixed_version
- start_date
- due_date
- estimated_hours
- done_ratio
- created_on
- closed_on
- relations
Use custom query by ID
Use custom query by name
List up issues that contain 'sorting' in subject
{{ref_issues(-f:subject ~ sorting)}}
List up issues that author_id is 1 and status is not 'To Do'. specify display column(project,subject,author,assigned_to,status)
{{ref_issues(-f:author_id = 1, -f:status ! To Do, project, subject, author, assigned_to, status)}}
List up tickets that tracker is Support(3) or Question(6), and restrict by project=Wiki Lists
{{ref_issues(-f:tracker == Question | Support, -f:project = Wiki Lists)}}
Pickup issues that have subject=Sample, and put linked ID
{{ref_issues(-f:subject = Sample, -l=id)}}
Pickup issues that have subject=Sample, and put markuped description
{{ref_issues(-f:subject = Sample, -t=description)}}
Put number of issues that contain 'sorting' in subject
{{ref_issues(-f:subject ~ sorting, -c)}}
Filter by issue_id (between)
{{ref_issues(-f:issue_id >< 1389|1391)}}
Filter by issue_id (or)
{{ref_issues(-f:issue_id == 1389|1391)}}
Do not display the table If query result is 0.
{{ref_issues(-0,-f:subject = Sample2)}}
OR condition by name
{ref_issues(-f:category == sample|error, subject, category)}}
Created or updated by user jsmith from 2017-05-01 to yesterday
{{ref_issues(-f:treated jsmith 2017-05-01|[1days_ago])}}
Put sum of estimated_hours of issues that contain 'sorting' in subject
{{ref_issues(-f:subject ~ sorting, -sum:estimated_hours)}}
Make sure you have the latest database structure loaded to the test database:
bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
Run the following command to start tests:
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:test NAME=redmine_ref_issues RAILS_ENV=test
rm -rf plugins/redmine_ref_issues
If you want to contribute to this plugin, please create a Pull Request.
This plugin is licensed under the terms of GNU/GPL v2. See LICENSE for details.
The source code is a fork of redmine_wiki_lists
Special thanks to the original author and contributors for making this awesome hook for Redmine.