A high-volume Twitter API client library in Python for research purposes. When you have big jobs that can go wrong.
Here's the gist:
- Use multiple application credentials to set up a client pool with multiple API endpoints, as many as you'd like.
- Makes use of generators to walk through big cursored lists, such as a users timeline.
Timeline requests are limited to 200 tweets per request, get a set of tweets until the timeline is exhausted.
import sylvester
import json
pool = sylvester.create_client_pool_from_json()
screen_name = "Twitter"
for tweets in pool.get_timeline(screen_name):
with open('tweets.json', 'a') as outfile:
json.dump(tweets, outfile)
Example keys.json file
"client_key": "aaa",
"client_secret": "bbb",
"resource_owner_key": "ccc",
"resource_owner_secret": "ddd"
"client_key": "eee",
"client_secret": "fff",
"resource_owner_key": "ggg",
"resource_owner_secret": "hhh"