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Distributed Fast Fourier Transforms for heterogeneous GPU Systems


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Library for "Distributed Fast Fourier Transforms for heterogeneous GPU Systems".

This Library aims to provide an easily extendable framework for comparing different approaches of computing distributed 3D-FFTs on NVIDIA GPUs (via CUDA). The theoretical background and the implementation details can be found in my bachelor's thesis.

Clone Repository

Use the following, to clone the repository including the full test data.

git clone

Alternatively, use the following if you are not interested in the raw test data:

git clone -b dev


Before building the project, make sure that CMakeLists.txt contains your specific CUDA_ARCHITECTURE.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build .

Afterwards, there should be the executables "slab" and "pencil". The help menu can be accessed via:

$ ./slab -h
$ ./pencil -h

Defining Testcases

Instead of manually starting each testcase (cf. Manual Execution), multiple testcases can also be described in JSON. The following provides a example for Argon from here.

Principally, the defined parameters in global_test_settings and tests simply take available programm parameter, described in (cf. Manual Execution). The parameters defined in global_test_settings are used for each test described in tests. Furthermore the testcases are repeated for each defined size. Additional MPI flags are specified via additional-flags, e.g., to specify the hostfile.

This testcase can later be executed by using either of the following execution methods: Python Launch Script or SLURM.

    "size": [128, [128, 128, 256], [128, 256, 256], 256, [256, 256, 512], [256, 512, 512], 512, [512, 512, 1024], [512, 1024, 1024], 1024],
    "additional-flags": "--hostfile ../mpi/hostfile_argon --rankfile ../mpi/rankfile_argon",
    "global_test_settings": {
        "--warmup-rounds": 10,
        "--iterations": 20,
        "--double_prec": true
    "tests": [
            "name": "Slab",
            "-comm": "Peer2Peer",
            "-snd": "Sync",
            "--cuda_aware": false
            "name": "Slab",
            "-comm": "Peer2Peer",
            "-snd": "Sync",
            "--cuda_aware": true
        // ...
            "name": "Slab",
            "-comm": "All2All",
            "-snd": "MPI_Type",
            "--cuda_aware": false
            "name": "Slab",
            "-comm": "All2All",
            "-snd": "MPI_Type",
            "--cuda_aware": true


There are three available methods to execute predefined testcases:

Python Launch Script

The simplest method is to use the provided launch script:

Select a Category:
[0] Run Specified Job (job.json)
[1] Run Evaluation Scripts 

Selection: <USER INPUT>

By selection option 0, the user can select predefined jobs from the jobs folder (cf. Defining Testcases). Further programm parameters can be displayed using python --help:

usage: [-h] [--jobs j1 [j1 ...]] [--global_params p] [--mpi_params p]
                 [--hosts h1 [h1 ...]] [--id n] [--gpus n] [--affinity c [c ...]]
                 [--build_dir d]

Launch script for the performance benchmarks.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --jobs j1 [j1 ...]    A list of jobs (located in the ./jobs folder), where individual
                        jobs are seperated by spaces. Example "--jobs
                        home/slab/zy_then_x.json home/slab/z_then_yx.json"
  --global_params p     Params passed to slab, pencil or reference MPI call.
  --mpi_params p        Params passed to MPI.
  --hosts h1 [h1 ...]   A list of hostnames seperated by spaces, specifying which hosts
                        to use for MPI execution.
  --id n                Identifier for host- and rankfile in the ./mpi folder. Is
                        required for parallel execution of tests (using this script) to
                        avoid ambiguity.
  --gpus n              Number of GPUs per node.
  --affinity c [c ...]  List of cores for GPU to bind to. The list has to be of length
                        --gpus. Example: "--affinity 0:0-9 1:20-29". Here the first rank
                        is assinged to cores 0-9 on socket 0 for GPU0 and the second
                        rank is assinged to cores 20-29 on socket 1 for GPU1.
  --build_dir d         Path to build directory (default: ./build).


Predefined testcases can also be started by using SLURM. Exemplary sbatch-scripts can be found in the jobs folder.

We provide an overview of a simple sbatch-script in the following: The script starts by specifying the sbatch parameters and by loading the required modules. Afterwards, the project is rebuild before executing the different testcases. The called testcases (cf. Define Testcases) cover the full spectrum of slab decomposition. For example, the corresponding testcasea of --jobs argon/slab/benchmarks_base.json can be found here. Note, that the testcase contains the relevant location of the used hostfile and rankfile. Alternatively, the hostfile can be specified by using --mpi_params "--hostfile <location>" (cf. Python Launch Script). The script can be submitted by using sbatch <name-of-script>.

#SBATCH -p all
#SBATCH --nodelist=argon-tesla1, argon-tesla2
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name=slab
#SBATCH --output=slab.%j.out
#SBATCH --account=st

# load modules
module load mpi/u2004/openmpi-4.1.1-cuda
echo "Modules loaded"

# build
echo "start building"
cd /home/eggersn/DistributedFFT/
rm -rf build_argon
mkdir build_argon
cd build_argon

cmake ..
cmake --build .
echo "finished building"

sleep 5
cd ..

echo "start python script"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Slab 2D->1D default"
python --jobs argon/slab/benchmarks_base.json argon/slab/validation.json --build_dir "build_argon" --global_params "-p 4 -b ../benchmarks/argon/forward"
echo "Slab 2D->1D opt1"
python --jobs argon/slab/benchmarks_base.json argon/slab/validation.json --build_dir "build_argon" --global_params "-p 4 -b ../benchmarks/argon/forward --opt 1"
echo "Slab 1D->2D default"
python --jobs argon/slab/benchmarks_base.json argon/slab/validation.json --build_dir "build_argon" --global_params "-p 4 -b ../benchmarks/argon/forward -s Z_Then_YX"
echo "Slab 1D->2D opt1"
python --jobs argon/slab/benchmarks_base.json argon/slab/validation.json --build_dir "build_argon" --global_params "-p 4 -b ../benchmarks/argon/forward -s Z_Then_YX --opt 1"
echo "Slab 2D->1D default (inverse)"
python --jobs argon/slab/benchmarks_base.json --build_dir "build_argon" --global_params "-t 2 -p 4 -b ../benchmarks/argon/inverse"
echo "Slab 2D->1D opt1 (inverse)"
python --jobs argon/slab/benchmarks_base.json --build_dir "build_argon" --global_params "-t 2 -p 4 -b ../benchmarks/argon/inverse --opt 1"
echo "Slab 1D->2D default (inverse)"
python --jobs argon/slab/benchmarks_base.json --build_dir "build_argon" --global_params "-t 2 -p 4 -b ../benchmarks/argon/inverse -s Z_Then_YX"
echo "Slab 1D->2D opt1 (inverse)"
python --jobs argon/slab/benchmarks_base.json --build_dir "build_argon" --global_params "-t 2 -p 4 -b ../benchmarks/argon/inverse -s Z_Then_YX --opt 1"

echo "all done"

Manual Execution

The program can also be directly started by using mpirun. The available commands are summarized in the following:


Usage: mpirun -n P [mpi args] slab [options] 
Options (required):
 --input-dim-x [-nx]:   Defines the size of the input data in x-direction.
 --input-dim-y [-ny]:   Defines the size of the input data in y-direction.
 --input-dim-z [-nz]:   Defines the size of the input data in z-direction.
Options (optional):
 --sequence [-s]:       Defines the sequence of dimensions in which the FFT is computed. Available selections are "ZY_Then_X" (default), "Z_Then_YX" and "Y_Then_ZX"
 --comm-method [-comm]: Specifies whether to use "Peer2Peer" or "All2All" MPI communication.
 --send-method [-snd]:  There are 3 available selections:
        1. Sync:        This is the default option. Here, we use cudaDeviceSync before calling MPI_Isend for each receiving rank.
        2. Streams:     Uses cudaStreams for cudaMemcpyAsync along with cudaCallHostFunc to notify a second thread to call MPI_Isend. This option requires MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE.
        3. MPI_Type:    Uses MPI_Datatype to avoid using cudaMemcpy2D. If MPI is not CUDA-aware, the sender still has to perform a cudaMemcpy1D (D->H).
 --testcase [-t]:       Specifies which test should be executed.
   Available selections are:
        --testcase 0:   Each rank generates a random input of size (Nx/P) x Ny x Nz (P specified by mpirun).
        --testcase 1:   Rank 0 generates the global input and distributes the slabs while computing the complete 3D FFT. Afterwards rank 0 compares its local result with the distributed result.
        --testcase 2:   Same as testcase 0 for the inverse FFT.
        --testcase 3:   Compute the forward FFT, afterwards the inverse FFT and compare the result with the input data.
        --testcase 4:   Approximate the laplacian of a periodic function with a forward and an inverse FFT and compare the results to the exact result.
 --opt [-o]:            Specifies which option to use.
   Available selections are:
        --opt 0:        Default selection, where no coordinate transformation is performed.
        --opt 1:        Depending on the selected sequence (via "-s"), the algorithm performs a coordinate transform. In general, this enables the sending rank to avoid a cudaMemcpy2D, while requiring it from the receiving rank.
 --iterations [-i]:     Specifies how often the given testcase should be repeated.
 --warmup-rounds [-w]:  This value is added to the number of iterations. For a warmup round, the performance metrics are not stored.
 --cuda_aware [-c]:     If set and available, device memory pointer are used to call MPI routines.
 --double_prec [-d]:    If set, double precision is used.
 --benchmark_dir [-b]:  Sets the prefix for the benchmark director (default is ../benchmarks).

"mpirun -n 4 slab -nx 256 -ny 256 -nz 256 -s Z_Then_YX -snd Streams -o 1 -i 10 -c -b ../new_benchmarks"
Here, four MPI processes are started which execute the default testcase using Z_Then_YX as the sequence along with option 1. A sending rank uses the "Streams" method. CUDA-aware MPI is enabled, the algorithm performs 10 iterations of the testcase, and the benchmark results are saved under ../new_benchmarks (relative to the build dir).


Usage: mpirun -n P [mpi args] pencil [options] 
Options (required):
 --input-dim-x [-nx]:   Defines the size of the input data in x-direction.
 --input-dim-y [-ny]:   Defines the size of the input data in y-direction.
 --input-dim-z [-nz]:   Defines the size of the input data in z-direction.
 --partition1 [-p1]:    Specifies the number of partitions in x-direction.
 --partition2 [-p2]:    Specifies the number of partitions in y-direction.
Options (optional):
 --comm-method1 [-comm1]: Specifies whether to use "Peer2Peer" or "All2All" MPI communication.
 --send-method1 [-snd1]: There are 3 available selections:
        1. Sync:        This is the default option. Here, we use cudaDeviceSync before calling MPI_Isend for each receiving rank.
        2. Streams:     Uses cudaStreams for cudaMemcpyAsync along with cudaCallHostFunc to notify a second thread to call MPI_Isend. This option requires MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE.
        3. MPI_Type:    Uses MPI_Datatype to avoid using cudaMemcpy2D. If MPI is not CUDA-aware, the sender still has to perform a cudaMemcpy1D (D->H).
 --comm-method2 [-comm2]: Same as --comm-method1 for the second global redistribution.
 --send-method2 [-snd2]: Same as --send-method1 for the second global redistribution.
 --testcase [-t]:       Specifies which test should be executed.
   Available selections are:
        --testcase 0:   Each rank generates a random input of size (Nx/P1) x (Ny/P1) x Nz. Here, P1*P2 = P must hold.
        --testcase 1:   Rank 0 generates the global input and distributes the pencils while computing the complete 3D FFT. Afterwards rank 0 compares its local result with the distributed result. Here, P1*P2+1 = P must hold.
        --testcase 2:   Same as testcase 0 for the inverse FFT.
        --testcase 3:   Compute the forward FFT, afterwards the inverse FFT and compare the result with the input data.
        --testcase 4:   Approximate the laplacian of a periodic function with a forward and an inverse FFT and compare the results to the exact result.
 --opt [-o]:            Specifies which option to use.
   Available selections are:
        --opt 0:        Default selection, where no coordinate transformation is performed. This option requires multiple plans for the 1D-FFT in y-direction.
        --opt 1:        The algorithm performs a coordinate transform. Starting from the default data alignment [x][y][z] (z continuous), the 1D-FFT in z-direction transforms the coordinate system into [z][x][y]. Analogously, the 1D-FFT in y-direction into [y][z][x] and finally the 1D-FFT in x-direction into [x][y][z] again.
 --fft-dim [-f]:        Specifies the number of dimension computed by the algorithm. Available selections are 1, 2, and 3 (default).
 --iterations [-i]:     Specifies how often the given testcase should be repeated.
 --warmup-rounds [-w]:  This value is added to the number of iterations. For a warmup round, the performance metrics are not stored.
 --cuda_aware [-c]:     If set and available, device memory pointer are used to call MPI routines.
 --double_prec [-d]:    If set, double precision is used.
 --benchmark_dir [-b]:  Sets the prefix for the benchmark director (default is ../benchmarks).

"mpirun -n 4 pencil -nx 256 -ny 256 -nz 256 -p1 2 -p2 2 -snd Streams -o 1 -i 10 -c -b ../new_benchmarks"
Here, four MPI processes are started which execute the default testcase using option 1. Each rank start with input size 128x128x256. A sending rank uses the "Streams" method. CUDA-aware MPI is enabled, the algorithm performs 10 iterations of the testcase, and the benchmark results are saved under ../new_benchmarks (relative to the build dir).


  type    = {Bachelor's thesis},
  author  = {Simon Egger},
  school  = {University of Stuttgart},
  title   = {Distributed Fast Fourier Transform for heterogeneous GPU systems},
  year    = {2021},
  doi     = {10.18419/opus-11918},
  url     = {},


This library is distributed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. Please see LICENSE file.