gRPC service config without service discovery, by specifying the service config via file annotations and including it in the generated code.
For example einride/serviceconfig/example/v1/default_service_config.proto:
syntax = "proto3";
package einride.serviceconfig.example.v1;
import "einride/serviceconfig/v1/annotations.proto";
option (einride.serviceconfig.v1.default_service_config) = {
method_config: {
name: {}
timeout: {
seconds: 10
retry_policy: {
initial_backoff: {
nanos: 200000000 // 0.2s
max_backoff: {
seconds: 60
max_attempts: 5
backoff_multiplier: 2
retryable_status_codes: UNAVAILABLE
retryable_status_codes: UNKNOWN
Use the optional validate
option to validate that the service config format is
valid. Use the optional required
option to require every service to have a
service config.
-I src \
--go_out=gen/go \
--go-grpc_out=gen/go \
--go-grpc-service-config_out=gen/go \
--go-grpc-service-config_opt=validate=true \
Your generated code output will now have a Go file corresponding to every service config JSON file.
For example example_grpc_service_config.pb.go:
package examplev1
// DefaultServiceConfig is the default service config for all services in the package.
const DefaultServiceConfig = `{
"methodConfig": [
"name": [{}],
"timeout": "10s",
"retryPolicy": {
"initialBackoff": "0.200s",
"maxBackoff": "60s",
"maxAttempts": 5,
"backoffMultiplier": 1.3,
"retryableStatusCodes": ["UNAVAILABLE"]
conn, err := grpc.DialContext(