E-commerce site for coffee shop powered by Express that allows you to subscribe for a coffee delivering service.
Be sure to run npm installs including the initial install to load the package.json files
Ubunu/linu $ npm install
Email config:
enter email and password for node mail confirmation system
compass watch compass
Password: Info
Passport takes 3 parameters to confirm its middleware. its uses bcrypt, it also notifes us of a bad passsword, no user, found
- Sign up as a new user / Login
- Place subscription order
- Edit order information, view current order info
- Payment modal using Stripe
- Implemented passport strategies to manage security and session data
- Applied Mongoose models to collect data from MongoDB
- high security for product service *system functions on different front and backend express routes the system while maintaining javascript invisibility *stripe test successful
- purchase various tea products
- provide insight to the steeping of tea
- provide different "packaging" types
- add bootstrap ui. *add collapsable navigation-ba *added *push to amazon *push to heroku (gitlab) (integration groundwork setup)
- Nav Bar height *more flow with them representation
Jwt Integration similar to tekrect
routing configured so that tea
upesert = true if tits there then we will send it forward