For this competition, you will implement an artificial intelligence to play Mille Borne so that actual people will be saved from having to.
You will submit a file called <yourname>, which includes a class called <YourName> that implements the AI interface (see Technical Details, The AI Interface). You may also submit any other support file(s) you like, including other classes, etc. The combined files you submit should be a reasonable size. I reserve the right to decide what "reasonable" means.
Your AI should make decisions in a reasonable amount of time. I reserve the right to decide what "reasonable" means.
Your AI should not interact with the running system beyond what's necessary to implement the methods of the AI interface. For example, it should not read/write local files other than those you provide with it.
I made a basic effort to make it harder for AIs to "cheat" and interact with a running game in ways outside the Mille Bornes rules, but it is of course possible to do so anyway. AIs doing that will be disqualified.
The rules are subject to change before the final submission deadline.
The submitted AIs will play against each other in various configurations. Your AI may end up on a team with other AIs, the sample BasicAI, and/or other instances of itself. All that matters is the number of games won by your AI.
I will run some very large number of games and tally the wins by each competitor. The AI with the most wins will be the victor.
Rename mille/ to use your actual name. In the file, change "class YourNameAI" to use your actual name. This class is a copy of the BasicAI class from - see Technical Details, Sample AIs.
Edit and import your class; near the top, above the line
from mille.sampleais import *
from mille.yournameai import YourNameAI
Then, change the competitors variable to include <YourName>AI. For example, mine would look like:
from mille.elliotai import ElliotAI
competitors = [ElliotAI, ManualAI]
Run to play a game against your AI. At the end it will display the number of wins for each AI. You only played one game, so the single point will go to either your AI or ManualAI.
Once you have made some changes to your AI, you can change the competitors list to replace ManualAI with BasicAI to see how your AI fares against the example AI. In that case, you may also want to increase the number of games that it plays to get better statistical data:
games = 100
You can also change the number of players: 2, 3, 4, or 6. The program will cycle through the competitors to select players, so it's okay to have fewer competitors than players.
numPlayers = 2
Finally, you may want to turn on debugging output in the main game engine. To do that, simply change the option at the top of
debug = True
Here is information about the classes that are probably most interesting to AI developers. Feel free to look at the other classes in the framework, of course.
Your AI should be a python class implementing the interface defined in mille/ The interface has these methods:
makeMove(gameState) Decide what to do on your turn. Returns a Move object, which can either be newly created or one of the ones provides in gameState.validMoves - see below for more information about GameState and Move objects. Returning an invalid move will result in discarding the first card in your hand.
playerPlayed(player, move) Called whenever a player makes a move, including yourself. Return value is ignored. See below for more information about Player objects.
handEnded(scoreSummary) Called when a hand is complete. The score summary is just a big multi-line text string suitable to be printed for human consuption. Unless you want to do some end-of-hand processing in your AI, you probably don't need to implement this.
playCoupFourre(attackCard, gameState) Decide whether or not to coup fourre an attack card being played on your team. Returns True or False. This will only be called if you legally can play a coup fourre, so it's quite reasonable just to return True all the time.
goForExtension(gameState) Decide whether or not to go for the extension. Returns True or False. Will be called when you play the last mileage card necessary to reach 700 miles in a three-team game.
The file includes several sample AIs to use when developing your own.
BasicAI plays a passable game despite being very simple.
ManualAI asks the person at the keyboard to make moves, and so lets you play against other AIs.
JonsAwesomeAI implements Jon's master Mille Bornes strategy: If you have a 25, discard it. Otherwise, discard another card.
Cards are represented by constants defined in the Cards static class. To display them in human-readable form, use Cards.cardToString (for a single card) or Cards.cardsToStrings (for a list of cards).
There are various other static methods in the class that may be useful to AI developers:
cardToMileage(card) Returns the integer number of miles for a given mileage card. For MILEAGE_25, for example, it would return 25.
cardToString(card) Returns a human-readable string describing the card. For MILEAGE_25, for example, it would return "25 Miles".
cardsToString(cards) Returns a list of human-readable strings describing each card in the list. For [MILEAGE_25], for example, it would return ["25 Miles"].
cardToType(card) Returns a constant describing the type of card - MILEAGE, REMEDY, ATTACK, or SAFETY. These constants are defined in the Cards class as well.
attackToRemedy(card) Returns the remedy card that matches a given attack card. For ATTACK_STOP, for example, it would return REMEDY_GO.
attackToSafety(card) Returns the safety card that matches a given attack card. For ATTACK_STOP, for example, it would return SAFETY_RIGHT_OF_WAY.
remedyToSafety(card) Returns the safety card that matches a given remedy card. For REMEDY_GO, for example, it would return SAFETY_RIGHT_OF_WAY.
Each of the above methods will be passed a GameState object, which includes all the information about the current state of the game that you need to make a decision. Its attributes are:
hand A list of cards in your hand.
discardPile A list of the cards in the discard pile. The most recently discarded is at the end of the list.
us A Team object representing your team. See below for more information on Team objects.
opponents A list of Team object representing the opposing teams. Your own team is not included. See below for more information on Team objects.
validMoves A list of Move objects representing all of the legal moves available to you. Only populated when passed to makeMove(), but if you really want it populated at other times you can call findValidPlays() on the GameState object yourself.
target The current mileage target for the race. Will be either 700 or 1000 depending on the number of players and whether anyone has chosen to go for the extension.
cardsLeft The number of cards left in the deck.
It also has these methods:
findValidPlays Updates the object's
attribute. -
teamNumberToTeam(teamNumber) Given a team number of one of your opponents, returns the corresponding
object. Use this to get theTeam
for the target of an attackMove
Describes a team, either your own or an opponents. Its attributes are:
number The team number of this team.a
playerNumbers A list of player numbers in the team.
totalScore The team's score over multiple hands.
handScore The team's score this hand. Not calculated until the end of the hand, so probably not interesting for AI developers.
mileage How many miles the team has gone this hand.
mileagePile A list representing the "mileage pile," which contains all mileage cards the team has played this hand.
speedPile A list representing the "speed pile," which contains all Speed Limit cards played against the team and End of Limit cards played by the team during this hand.
battlePile A list representing the "battle pile," which contains all non-Speed Limit attack cards played against the team and non-End of Limit remedy cards played by the team during this hand.
safeties A list of the safeties this team has played this hand.
coupFourres The number of coup fourres this team has played this hand.
moving A boolean. Is this team moving?
speedLimit A boolean. Is this team under a speed limit?
needRemedy Which remedy card the team needs to move. Will be None if they're moving.
safeTrip Has the team played any 200 mile cards this hand? Used in hand-end scoring.
twoHundredsPlayed The number of 200 mile cards the team has played this hand. Teams are only allowed two per hand.
A simple object describing a move: whether it's a discard or a play, which card it is, and (for attacks) the number of the team it's targetted at. The constructor takes all of those attributes as parameters. Discard versus play is expressed as a constant defined in this class, either DISCARD or PLAY.
For example:
from move import Move
from cards import Cards
move1 = Move(Move.PLAY, Cards.REMEDY_GO)
move2 = Move(Move.DISCARD, Cards.MILEAGE_25)
move3 = Move(Move.PLAY, Cards.ATTACK_STOP, 0)
Represents a player. Its attributes are:
number The player number.
teamNumber The number of the team the player is on.
hand The cards in the player's hand. This will always be empty when it's passed to you.
ai The AI object controlling the player. This will always be None when it's passed to you.