Secret and config editor with GUI for Emarsys applications in Google Application Platform
Install (or update) gcloud, and connect to the staging and production clusters. More info in GAP docs.
Download the application from the releases page of the GitHub repository.
- For macOS: download the .dmg file, double-click on it, and drag the "GAP Secret Editor" icon onto "Applications".
- For Windows: download the .exe file and double-click on it.
- For Linux: download the .AppImage file, make it runnable (chmod +x), and run it.
Application logs can be found in the following directory:
- For macOS:
- For Windows:
- For Linux:
# set appropriate NodeJS version
nvm use
# install dependencies
npm ci
# start application locally
npm run start-dev
# run all tests (with npm audit and linter checks)
npm test
# run only unit tests once
npm run test:once
# run only unit tests in watch mode
npm run test:watch
# build electron application
npm run build
# build and release electron application
npm run release
Increase the version number in package.json and package-lock.json then commit it.
The commit message must begin with release v
(e.g. release v1.2.3
). Push the commit and wait for the CI to test and
build the app. At the end, the CI will create a draft release under the releases
page, which you have to edit and publish manually.
Note: The actual release number is based on the value in package.json, but it sounds a good idea to use the same value in the commit message, as well.
Set the GH_TOKEN
environment variable to your GitHub Token
(make sure the token has access to the repo role and all its sub-roles).
Increase the version number in package.json and run npm run release
The script will create a draft release under the releases page, which you have to edit and publish manually.
After install on Mac machines an error will pop up:
To bypass the error message go to Settings and within Privacy&Settings click on 'Open Anyway'.
If the below error greets you on startup, do a computer restart.
If it still presents, try starting the app from the terminal with open /Applications/GAP\ Secret\
Always keep in your mind and heart the codex of SAP standards.
See the LICENSE file.
This project was generated with electron-vue@45a3e22 using vue-cli. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.
The application icon is based on the icon made by Gregor Cresnar from