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Migration guide for Emarsys SDK 3.0.0

Eduardo Zatoni edited this page Aug 3, 2021 · 3 revisions


We released the current major version of the Emarsys SDK two years ago. In the meantime we have received a lot of valuable usage feedback from our users and also the development tools of the underlying platforms have improved a lot. We always strive to offer the best possible developer experience and the most up-to-date mobile feature set to our users and this sometimes requires to introduce breaking changes of our API and therefore to release a new major version. This migration guide leads you through the changes you have to make to your Emarsys SDK integration to start using the latest 3.0.0 version. We estimate that this migration can be done in about 60 minutes. We recommend to do this migration as soon as possible so that you can benefit from these improvements and also prepare your integration to benefit from future Emarsys SDK improvements. If you need any help in the migration please reach out to Emarsys support.


The Builder has been also modified, mobileEngageApplicationCode was renamed to applicationCode while predictMerchantId is now called merchantId. We have also moved the contactFieldId from the setup to the setContact call.


EMSConfig *config = [EMSConfig makeWithBuilder:^(EMSConfigBuilder * builder) {
  [builder setMobileEngageApplicationCode:@"EMS25-20071"];
  [builder setMerchantId:@"1DF86BF95CBE8F19"];

[Emarsys setupWithConfig:config];

From Emarsys SDK 3.0.0 MEUserNotificationCenterDelegate is not available anymore on the public Emarsys API, everything is handled by Emarsys.push.

UNUserNotificationCenter.currentNotificationCenter.delegate = [Emarsys push];


EmarsysConfig config = new EmarsysConfig.Builder()


Firebase Note: This is an additional dependency, which points to a new module for the Emarsys SDK, to work with Firebase.

Since Firebase is not a mandatory dependency anymore, it’s needed to be added explicitly so please include emarsys-firebase like the example below:

implementation 'com.emarsys:emarsys-firebase:<latest-version>'
implementation 'com.emarsys:emarsys-sdk:<latest-version>'

EmarsysMessagingService is renamed to EmarsysFirebaseMessagingService, EmarsysMessagingServiceUtils to EmarsysFirebaseMessagingServiceUtils.

<service android:name="com.emarsys.service.EmarsysFirebaseMessagingService">
        <action android:name="" />

Event Handlers

In order to make it easier to implement native code, we have created a method in the RN wrapper which will set all the event handlers.


RNEmarsysEventHandler *rnEMSEventHandler = [RNEmarsysEventHandler allocWithZone: nil];
[rnEMSEventHandler setEventHandlers];


RNEmarsysEventHandler eventHandler = RNEmarsysEventHandler.getInstance();

We have also created methods that set the handlers individually.


[rnEMSEventHandler setPushNotificationEventHandler];
[rnEMSEventHandler setPushSilentMessageEventHandler];
[rnEMSEventHandler setInAppEventHandler];
[rnEMSEventHandler setGeofenceEventHandler];
[rnEMSEventHandler setOnEventActionEventHandler];




With Emarsys SDK 3.0.0 we’ve moved the contactFieldId from the config to setContact call to give more flexibility into the developer’s hand so the developer can decide what the contactFieldId is going to be when the contact needs to be identified and not at the setup where it might be an unknown what type of authentication the user might choose.

let contactFieldId = 100005878
let contactFieldValue = "7c3df9f3"

try {
	let result = await Emarsys.setContact(contactFieldId, contactFieldValue)
} catch (e) {
	console.log("setContact Fail: ", e)


We simplified the changeApplicationCode by removing the methods with the contactFieldId. contactFieldId is now part of the setContact.

let applicationCode = "EMSF6-F532D"

try {
	let result = await Emarsys.changeApplicationCode(applicationCode)
} catch (e) {
	console.log("changeApplicationCode Fail: ", e)