Live Website
Server URL
Admin Email: [email protected]
Admin Password: <!1TCSAdmin>
User Email: [email protected]
User Password: <!1TCSUser>
- React & React Router
- Tailwind & Chakra UI
- Redux-Toolkit
- React-hook-form
- Axios & Tanstack-React-query
- Helmet-async & Firebase
- Tailwind & Chakra UI
- Date Fns, Recharts, Slick Carousel, Swiper, sweetalert2, eslint
- Node.js, Express.js
- MongoDb, Mongoose,
- This is a full-stack Restaurants Website website.
- Users need to login via Google (also can create a new Account).
- Have an Admin , User, User dashboard, Admin dashboard, Admin can delete, add, manage products etc...
- Dynamic Route
- Add a Single Product review
- Add a service review
- Backend data fetch
- categories products
- On clicking the Book now button
- Add A Food
- 404 page (not found page).
- User, Admin different route
- User, Admin Role set -Technology: React, Redux-Toolkit, Tailwind, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express.js, Node.js, Private route, 2 Type Role, Firebase Authentication, etc
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open to view it in your browser.