Transform Crusher Free Current Release - Unity Package Download
Selectively compress, bitpack and serialize any transform, position, rotation, scale or float values for network transmission, Works with any networking library (UNET,/Mirror, Photon, Forge, etc). Transform Crusher encodes floats using a fixed range (min and max possible values) and a desired precision or bit target. Typically results in 50% to 75% reductions in data sizes. Half-float, smallest three quaternion compression, and uncompressed options are also available.
You are welcome to use this library for games, however scripts/components not explicity marked with MIT licenses may not sold be part of assets libraries.
Transform Crusher Free Current Release - Unity Package Download
Offers bit level control of the compression settings, rather than just the presets. I have merged PRO into my only current Asset Store product, which is Simple Network Sync. You can just import only the TransformCrusher folder if you don't want to make use of the sync components.
Transform Crusher PRO / Simple Network Sync - Unity Asset Store
Transform Crusher Documentation
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