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Releases: empathyco/x

4.0.1 EthixSirius

24 Nov 09:05
Choose a tag to compare


  • components: remove deprecated origins from #1344
  • facets: The 'unknown-facet' value for a facetId has been removed: it has been replaced by the UNKNOWN_FACET_KEY constant, whose value is 'unknown'. #1351


  • migrate from vue-cli to vite #1350
  • extra-params: allow currency to be an extra param as default (319851d)
  • components: remove deprecated origins #1355
  • facets: Unify unknown and unknown-facet in a constant #1351

Bug Fixes

  • history-queries: map selected filters correctly when coming from Query Preview #1325
  • x-plugin: improve ResultFeature type values #1344


  • integration: how to track add2cart event #1349
  • fix @empathyco/x-components import path in examples #1353
  • static-docs: added redirections in static docs metadata #1341
  • fix identation error in #1343[email protected]

3.0.0 JoyfulPulsar

25 Oct 09:32
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed


  • design-system: Design system styles have now to be imported from @empathy/x-components/design-system instead of @empathy/x-components/css
  • components: Remove hideIntegerDecimals from currency-formatter util, base-currency component.
  • facets-next: Rename EmpathyFilterMapper to EmpathyFacetFilterMapper. Response filter mappers now map the API value in the id filters property. EmpathyHierarchicalFacetMapper now flattens and stores all the filters in the filter property. EmpathyHierarchicalFacetMapper now only maps filters ids in HierarchicalFilter children. Bump up @empathyco/x-types major version in @empathyco/x-adapter.
  • facets: Rename Filters component to FiltersList.
  • facets: Remove MultiSelectFilters component. Filters are multi-select by default. Apply the SingleSelectModifier using the FilterEntityFactory to make the desired Facet single select.
  • facets: Refactor HierarchicalFilter.children field. Now, this field is list of the Filter.ids of the children filter. All HierarchicalFilters are flattened in the Facet.filters list.
  • facets: Remove facets prop in the Facets component to provide Facets to the state. Use the FacetsProvider component instead.
  • facets: Remove UserChangedSelectedFilters event from Facets component. Use FacetsProvider component instead.
  • facets: Remove UserClickedClearFacetFilters event. UserClickedClearAllFilters is emitted instead. Its payload is now list of Facet.ids.
  • facets: Rename UserClickedFacetAllFilter event to UserClickedAllFilter. Its payload is now list of Facet.ids.
  • facets: Remove BackendFacetsChanged event. Use FacetsChanged event instead.
  • facets: Remove BackendFacetsProvided event. Use FacetsGroupProvided instead.
  • facets: Remove FrontendFacetsChanged event. Use FacetsGroupProvided instead.
  • facets: Remove FacetMultiSelectChanged event. Filters are multi-select by default. Apply the SingleSelectModifier using the FilterEntityFactory to make the desired Facet single select.
  • facets: Change UserModifiedEditableNumberRangeFilter payload. Now it is the EditableNumberRangeFilter filter with the new range value.
  • Slots that are created using properties like the modelName or the id of different objects, now are named using the kebab-case version of those values. This affects the following components:
    BaseGrid, Facets and SelectedFiltersList. Examples: <template #Result="{ ... }"> now is
    <template #result="{ ... }"> <template #NextQueriesGroup="{ ... }"> now is
    <template #next-queries-group="{ ... }"> <template #hierarchical_category="{ ... }"> now is
    <template #hierarchical-category="{ ... }">
  • storage-service: StorageService has been renamed to BrowserStorageService.
  • components: SlidingPanel buttons do not have the round variant set by default.
  • facets: Remove BaseFilter component. Use RenderlessFilterinstead.
  • components: Removed CollapseFromTop Animation. Use animateScale() instead.
  • components: Removed TranslateFromLeft and TranslateFromRight components. Use animateTranslate('left') and animateTranslate('right') instead.
  • related-tags: Remove selected and previous logic from related tags.
  • related-tags: Remove EmpathyRequestRelatedTagsQueryMapper.
  • Request types moved to x-types package. Change the imports from x-adapter to x-type.
  • Removed TaggingInfo type. Use TaggingRequest from @empathyco/x-types instead.
  • facets: Renamed method registerFilterModifier in FilterEntityFactory to registerModifierByFacetId.
  • facets: Changed modifiers parameter of registerFilterModifier in FilterEntityFactory from single array in favour of rest parameters.
  • --x-number-aspect-ratio-picture is now inverted. Previously value of 2 meant that it was twice taller than wider. Now it means twice wider than taller.
  • facets: Removed the setFiltermutation from facets X-Module. Use mutateFilter instead.
  • facets: Modified the HierarchicalFilter.children Model type. Now it is an Array<HierarchicalFilter> instead of an array of ids.
  • result: Result model properties are optional, except id, modelName and tagging.
  • tagging: tagging property of Taggable and queryTagging property of SearchResponse are optional.
  • components: facets are now optional in Suggestion.
  • design-system: the old design system button styles are now located in the deprecated-full-theme.css, if setup is not using the new design system, it must import this file.
  • components: Renamed prop animation of BaseResultImage to loadAnimation.
  • search: the event SearchResponseProvided was renamed to SearchResponseChanged
  • Removes queryHTML slot scope prop from BaseSuggestion, PopularSearch QuerySuggestion and HistoryQuery. Use the new Highlight component instead.
  • next-queries: Rename NextQueryPreviewMounted to NextQueryPreviewMountedHook and QueryPreviewRemoved to QueryPreviewUnmountedHook
  • design-system: suggestion and suggestion group styles are now deprecated. To continue using them import from deprecated-full-theme.css.
  • Rename x-grid class to x-grid-list.
  • Rename x-grid__item class to x-grid-list__item.
  • Rename x-grid--cols-{cols} class to x-grid-list--cols-{cols}.
  • history-queries: Renamed removeHistoryQueryClass prop to removeButtonClass.
  • design-system: picture and some result styles related are now deprecated. To continue using them import from deprecated-full-theme.css.
  • Rename x-result-picture__image to x-result-picture-image.
  • components: Renamed SlidingPanel css classes x-sliding-panel--at-start and x-sliding-panel--at-end to x-sliding-panel-at-start and x-sliding-panel-at-end respectively.
  • components: Renamed SlidingPanel buttons css classes x-sliding-panel__button-left and x-sliding-panel__button-right to x-sliding-panel-button-left and x-sliding-panel-button-right respectively.
  • components: Old design-system SlidingPanel styles (including the updated button classes) are now located in the deprecated-full-theme.css file.
  • components: class x-picture__image renamed to x-picture-image, deprecate classes x-picture__image--placeholder and x-picture__image--fallback
  • design-system: Old design-system Icon styles are now located in the deprecated-full-theme.css file. Removed checkbox-card, nq1, nq2, nq3, and nq4 icons.
  • design-system: design system scroll styles are deprecated. To continue using them import from deprecated-full-theme.css
  • design-system: Old design-system Tag styles are now located in the deprecated-full-theme.css file.
  • design-system: Old x-tag--is-curated and x-tag--is-selected classes are no longer used by RelatedTag component.
  • base-column-picker-list structure changes. It now wraps the buttons in div instead of using ul and li. Additionally, the class for the selected option has been changed to x-selected.
  • design-system: Old design-system progress-bar styles are now located in the deprecated-full-theme.css file.
  • design-system: Renamed x-progress-bar__line class to x-progress-bar-fill.
  • design-system: The x-components design system has been deprecated. The exported theme is no longer available. If you need support for the old design system you should import @empathyco/x-components/design-system deprecated-full-theme.css.
  • design-system: x-grid-list and x-grid-list__item classes have been removed from BaseGrid component.
  • design-system: x-grid-list--cols-{columns} has been renamed to x-base-grid--cols-{columns}
  • design-system: x-list class has been removed from the following components:
    BaseModal, BaseSuggetions, BaseTabsPanel, Facets, FiltersList, FiltersSearch, IdentifierResults, MyHistory, PartialResultList, ResultVariantSelector, Recommendations, RelatedTags, SlidingPanel, SelectedFiltersList.
  • design-system: FixedHeaderAndAsidesLayout MultiColumnMaxWidthLayout and SingleColumnLayout have been deprecated.
  • design-system: BaseModal default opacity has changed from 0.7 to 0.3.
  • design-system: x-list__item class has been removed from BaseTabsPanel component.
  • design-system: x-message class has been removed from Redirection component.
  • deps: minimum version required is node v18
  • the property 'querySuggestions' in 'x-plugin' now returns the query suggestions that should be displayed based on the module's config. new property called 'fullQuerySuggestions' returns all the query suggestions in the module
  • queries-preview: the QueryPreviewList component queries prop has changed name to queriesPreviewInfo and the type is an array of QueryPreviewInfo as instead of an array of strings. The QueryPreview component query prop has changed name to queryPreviewInfo and the type is QueryPreviewInfo instead of string. QueryPreviewInfo type is now exported from the module.
  • setPageSize search module mutation has been replaced by the setConfig mutation. setTaggingConfig tagging module mutation and setFacetsConfig facets module mutation have been replaced by the mergeConfig mutation.


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