Releases: enarjord/passivbot
v5.4.3 passivbot pre ohlcv
Last release before adding support for 1m OHLCV in backtesting and optimizing
v5.4.2 Recursive Grid Mode
First release of passivbot with recursive grid mode added
The noteworthy changes are
added recursive grid mode alongside static grid mode
long/short isolated from each other in backtest, allowing simultaneous long/short optimize without one affecting the other
a few renamings, among these ema_span_max/min to ema_span_0/1
four default included configs: two static, two recursive, with auto unstuck enabled and disabled
v5.3/v5.2/v5.1/v5.0 configs are compatible and will all work with v5.4
v5.3.2 With EMAs
Last release of v5.3 before adding recursive grid mode
v5.3.0 EMAs and auto unstuck
First release for v5.3 with EMAs and auto unstuck
passivbot v5.2.1 without EMAs
Last release before adding EMAs and auto unstuck, and before removing ray-tune optimizer.
v5.2.0 with shorts
First release of v5 with shorts implemented
v5.1.1 Long Only
Last v5 release where shorts are not implemented
v5.1 long only with user stream
all bybit derivatives, binance usd-m, coin-m and binance spot markets supported
4.1.0 scalping
config spilt in scalp and vanilla types
recursive entry grid
- Note: a release v4.10_scalp was created earlier, identical to this release. Reason for replacement is consistent version numbering, and preventing confusion with the branch with the same name
Formal tagging of v4.0.0, which changed processing to 1s candles alongside several smaller changes