This project is about making my personal portfolio to showcase projects I make.
You can use it for your own personal portfolio if you want to.
It is made using only HTML, CSS and Javascript, I used Parcel to minify and bundle the project and Netlify to deploy it.
The portfolio contains the following features:
- Logo
- Fullscreen navigation
- Introduction section
- Skills section with cards
- About-me section
- Projects section, with cards
- Footer, with icon links
- Fully responsive
Clone the project to your machine:
git clone
Get inside the project's folder:
cd portfolio
Install dependencies:
npm install
run the project:
npm run dev
All source files (html, css, js and assets) are in src
- Add svg background to Skills section, Projects section and footer
- Add an SVG logo
- Add initial animation to Introduction section
- Add scroll animation for the following sections
- Change the full screen navigation toggle animation
- Add images to Introduction section and About-me section