Inspired by the winston-logstash module but as that isn't actively maintained and doesn't support 3.0.0 of Winston, I decided to create my own
npm i logstash-tcp-wins
Initialise the log transport like so:
const logger = createLogger({
format: combine (
label({ label: 'right meow!' }),
transports: [
new logstashTcpWins({
level: "debug",
port: 5000,
json: true,
host: "localhost",
retryInterval: 2000,
maxRetries: 1000,
label: "test",
exitOnError: false
Set up your logstash pipeline like this:
input {
tcp {
codec => json
port => 5000
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch {
hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
See the app.js file in Github for requires.
At the moment, the recovery from a Logstash outage relies on 60s passing after the socket has reported it's connected which is pretty poor. Working on finding a way to be able to determine and rely on the socket being properly writeable to Logstash without resorting to time period. If you've got a way, please do create a PR.