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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 14, 2019. It is now read-only.


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This repo is to provide a simple reproducible example of where Puma output is showing when system tests are being run per the discussion at:


This repo was created as follows:

Verify We are On the Latest Ruby/Rails

$ ruby -v
ruby 2.5.0p0 (2017-12-25 revision 61468) [x86_64-darwin17]

$ rails -v
Rails 5.2.0

Generate new App

rails new rspec_system_puma_output
cd rspec_system_puma_output
rake db:migrate # To avoid complaint about no schema.rb file

Add RSpec

Insert into the development/test group in the Gemfile:

gem 'rspec-rails'


bundle install
rails generate rspec:install

Verify we are on the latest rspec-rails:

$ rspec -v
RSpec 3.7
  - rspec-core 3.7.1
  - rspec-expectations 3.7.0
  - rspec-mocks 3.7.0
  - rspec-rails 3.7.2
  - rspec-support 3.7.1

Create Example Code and Tests

See files:

  • app/controllers/hello_world_controller.rb
  • spec/system/hello_world_spec.rb

Run Tests

$ bundle exec rspec
Capybara starting Puma...
* Version 3.11.4 , codename: Love Song
* Min threads: 0, max threads: 4
* Listening on tcp://

Finished in 1.98 seconds (files took 2.05 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

As you can see the tests pass but we get the Puma output when the server is booted. If we add the following to our spec/rails_helper.rb file (in the file but current commented out):

require 'action_dispatch/system_testing/server'
ActionDispatch::SystemTesting::Server.silence_puma = true

Now run again:

$ bundle exec rspec

Finished in 1.72 seconds (files took 1.73 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures


Example repo to reproduce rspec puma output problem






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