Functional Discord Clone written in Typescript using React, Socket IO, NodeJS, Express and MySQL
** This project is NOT maintained, and does not reflect my current work **
- This project was created as a learning experience in 2018
- Not maintained, and backend no longer hosted anymore
View the live verison at ->
Check out the backend code! ->
Originally started as a simple chatting application to test my Frontend + Backend skills, magically turned into a Discord Clone.
Implemented Features
- Real time messaging using Socket IO
- Local Authentication
- Loads User Data upon login (Servers, Channels, Private Messages)
- Creation and Joining Servers
- Creation of Channels in a Server
- Server Settings (Change name and delete)
- Channel Settings (Change name and delete)
- Persistent channel history
- Pretty Print Code Blocks enclodes in three `
- Private messaging
- Timestamps for messages
- Show current active users in given server
- Convert to Typescript
- Voice Chat (Buggy, but main features work)
Copyright Eric Ellbogen 2019
- This project is under the GNU V3 license. Find it here.